It's a small island, everyone will know. It's a big internet, and those that do their research before their first visit will know. Those that have been there will know and probably understand in a little more depth. In my mind, this nets a lot of negative publicity for the cart company, but ten times that in positive publicity for the people who stood up for them. It is amazing that anyone who deals with the tourists could be so short sighted regarding the ramifications of their actions. I get the impression that the Warrens were staying at VH. Would this same thing have happened if they were staying at Rubys? As international travelers, we all realize that stuff happens, and we are usually willing to settle up for a reasonable amount. When someone attempts to royally hose us down, it does upset the applecart.

We are down next month, will rent a cart, and will enjoy ourselves. We will also patronize the SPBA businesses. Guess where we won't go?

Been there, done that, the washing machine ate the T-shirt