Ramon's Village

One or Ramon's first Cabañas
One of the oldest resorts in San Pedro happens to be Ramon's Village. The resort has an interesting history but even more fascinating is the history of the land where the resort sits.

In 1951 Vern Hammon built a resort on the land where Ramon's Village is presently situated. The resort was called Reef Colony. In 1961, hurricane Hattie destroyed the resort, leaving only the restaurant and the swimming pool intact. The swimming pool at Ramon's was built in 1951 as a part of Reef Colony and was the first pool to be constructed on the island. While some people were resolved on salvaging what they could of their homes and businesses after Hattie's devastation, Vern Hammon decided to abandon Reef Colony. Mr. Hammon sold the land and what was left of the resort, to Mr. Jerry McDermott. That land was unoccupied for many years. During that time the pool was used as a drinking water reservoir by the villagers. A gutter was connected to the roof of the abandoned restaurant and rain water was stored in the pool. There was no other development further south of the town than the Reef Colony (what was left of it).

Ramon Nuñez at Ramon's Village

In 1981, twenty years later, Ramon Nuñez and a group of other investors, bought the land from Mr. McDermott and built Ramon's Reef Resort. The resort was made up of ten very rustic cottages, a little bar and restaurant and dive shop. The dive shop was called Reef Divers and managed by Larry Parker, According to Ramon Nuñez, business was great in those days. "I use to manage Paradise Hotel for nine years and when I left to come here to Ramon's Village most of my customers from Paradise followed me here. We never did much advertising and people who came to stay with us in the beginning continue to visit." The resort was renamed Ramon's Village in 1987 when it was sold to Mr. Richard Headrick. "Richard is a very nice man," said Ramon. "He bought the resort and I stayed on as manager of the resort." Ramon said that he has the best staff in San Pedro and because of them the resort seems to run itself. Two people from the original 1981 staff are still with him today - Mrs Nena Varela and Ziro Pinelo.

Ramon's Village took back management of the dive shop in 1988 and renamed it Ramon's Village Dive Shop. Rick Sutherland became the manager and still is managing the dive shop today. According to Rick, three of the dive masters from the original staff are still working at the dive shop- Mr. Turiano Vasquez, Pete Ayuso and Orlando Casarez. "We have a great staff of dive masters. They are very good. Some of them have been diving for over sixteen years," Rick said.

Ramon's Village is presently undergoing extensive renovations. In the months to come construction of six new rooms and a new pool will take place. The deck around the pool will be extended, a new palapa over the restaurant will be built and a parking gazebo will be constructed in front of the resort. Next year the construction of a conference room will commence. The conference room will be located above the resort's laundromat.

Ramon has fond memories of "his village" that span over almost two decades. "I love this place so much," he said. "It's a part of me. I could never give it up." Ramon claims he is the best boss anyone could ever have. Although he made that comment in jest, many of his staff members believe that his statement is extremely accurate.

150th Anniversary Features
Anniversary Home Page
Where is San Pedro?
Ancient San Pedro, by Herman Smith
150 Years Ago, by Angel Nuñez
Life in San Pedro 1850, by Peter Laws
Who owned San Pedro? by Peter Laws
Who governed this settlement? by Mayor Alberto Nuñez and Leo Cuellar
Life in San Pedro in Former Times, by Miriam Graniel
A Trip down Memory Lane, by Patty Arceo
Don Lucio Guerrero relives the past
Meet Mr. Alan Forman
Ramon's Village
Ruby's Hotel
San Pedro Post Office
Senior Citizens Think Back, by Dorian Nuñez
Long Live Beauty Queens
Article in the San Pedro Sun BEFORE the celebration
Article in the San Pedro Sun AFTER the celebration
Real Estate Corner, 150 Years, by Diane Campbell
Oh San Pedro, Brother Jake and the Boy Scout camp, by John Esquivel

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