Real Estate Corner - 150 Years

One hundred and fifty years ago San Pedro was founded. One hundred and fifty years ago this community began to grow. At that time few would have predicted the changes that have brought San Pedro to what it is today. The elder members of the community can look back and can probably recall certain decisions that shaped San Pedro - from the placement of streets and buildings to the evolution of the customs and laws that guide the people today. It is in this looking back that much can be learned about shaping the next one hundred and fifty years. It is in looking back at seemingly small things that you will come to the realization that those small things long ago have had tremendous impact on today. In exactly the same way, your actions today shape the future. This is the greatest lesson of history.

The journey to tomorrow begins today. When you take a trip on a long highway you get out a map. You make a plan as to where you want to go and what roads you will take. You also check conditions throughout the trip, and are sensible enough to change your route when the road is too rough and a detour is a better way. Today the community of San Pedro is pretty much in agreement that the economic future of San Pedro lies in tourism. The people on this journey may have different ideas about the roads to travel, but the destination is clear. San Pedro seeks prosperity, better conditions for it's children, a sustained future in the tourism, and a preservation of a way of life that is distinctly San Pedro.

If San Pedro is to succeed in the journey through the next five years, much less the next one hundred fifty, it is the long view that must prevail. It is time for all of us - whether born here, or just arrived, to understand that we are the caretakers of a priceless treasure. We must not, we cannot forget that what we do today shapes the future of the town and the lives of its people. In the quest for a dollar for today's bills have we done something that could damage the future? Each of us, however rich or poor, have an impact on the future. Each of us, whether political or silent, affect our future with our actions. From tossing litter on the streets to fishing out of season; from building parks for the children to painting the statue of Saint Peter - each action has an effect for the better or the worse. Certainly mistakes will be made. That is human. What San Pedro needs from each of us is a commitment to think and to care, and to act accordingly. -No one can ask more of us, no one should give less. San Pedro is not the first village or town in the history of Ambergris Caye. Other towns and centers of commerce flourished here long ago. Those towns are gone and buried now. What decisions did those earlier citizens make that caused the destruction of their towns and culture? We may never know the exact answer to that question, but the lesson contained within it is clear - we must take responsibility for the future, because unless we do that, there will be none. Let us join hands on the journey to our common future. Let the debates refrain from mean spirit. Let the plans be well thought out. Take time to study and reflect before acting. Let us remember that what we have today is priceless and before we change it too much, let us learn all we can from the first one hundred and fifty years. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAN PEDRO!!!

150th Anniversary Features
Anniversary Home Page
Where is San Pedro?
Ancient San Pedro, by Herman Smith
150 Years Ago, by Angel Nuñez
Life in San Pedro 1850, by Peter Laws
Who owned San Pedro? by Peter Laws
Who governed this settlement? by Mayor Alberto Nuñez and Leo Cuellar
Life in San Pedro in Former Times, by Miriam Graniel
A Trip down Memory Lane, by Patty Arceo
Don Lucio Guerrero relives the past
Meet Mr. Alan Forman
Ramon's Village
Ruby's Hotel
San Pedro Post Office
Senior Citizens Think Back, by Dorian Nuñez
Long Live Beauty Queens
Article in the San Pedro Sun BEFORE the celebration
Article in the San Pedro Sun AFTER the celebration
Real Estate Corner, 150 Years, by Diane Campbell
Oh San Pedro, Brother Jake and the Boy Scout camp, by John Esquivel

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