chattykathy, good story! Thanks for sharing.

On the other hand, I was surprised to see you describe the diving from San Pedro as only fair. Makes me wonder what sites Ramon's got you out to while you were there. Sure, the fish don't show up on every dive, but there are some dive sites there that are pretty reliable and even if I don't see rays, nurse sharks and turtles, I'll still see a plethora of reef fish. Some of the corals, hard and soft are amazing and the little critters that you really have to keep your eyes peeled for are great. (flamingo tongues, Pederson cleaning shrimp, etc) I also really enjoy passing over the finger formations. Down one chute, up another, then across. Watch the sand chutes below you, sometimes you'll see free swimming morays and other large fishies. Tell you DM to slow the heck down, so a person can take a look around once in a while. wink

Yeah, it's not Sipadan/Mabul, but it still can be some pretty nice diving. smile

A fish and a bird can fall in love, but where will they build their nest?