bywarren, I'm not trying to argue with you and please accept my apologies if it appeared that way or if you felt I was impugning your experience in any way. I was merely somewhat confused by your original description of the specific event you related here. As it turns out, the ultimate neurological consequences were indeed due to accumulated deco and necessity to blow it off (due to lack of air, as you say).

When I write these posts, I don't consider them as only between you and me. If that were so, we could have our discussions by email. When I write what I write, I'm trying to keep in mind that the original posters and likely many other divers (especially those that have not been in the Hole) are reading.

While on the one hand, you and I appear to be in agreement that no one should take the dive lightly, we may not be in agreement as to how much fear and dread we are attempting to instill into those readers. (wicked grin).

Again, no offence intended.

A fish and a bird can fall in love, but where will they build their nest?