One of the reasons for "fair" diving during our 10 day stay at Ramon's was the horrible conditions due to very heavy wind. Many dive operators were not going out at all. Our DM explained that a hurricane a couple of years ago(I don't recall which one) had destroyed the reef. I expected diving in Belize (off of San Pedro) to be like the conditions on the outer dives the day we dove the Bluehole. Maybe my big expectations led to the "fair" description. Anyway I even braved some dives on days when most boats didn't go out. The backwards roll into the huge swells was pretty gutsy and getting out was insane! Those DMs are so talented the way they can hall you out in such huge swells with only a few bruises the next day!
Anyway, a "fair" diving day is alright with me b/c we love to dive! The rays, nurse sharks, turtles were fun to see. Have fun! Kathy