Most posts I see here are like my two previous.
We talk about the police but offer no solutions.At least Nate is trying to suggest something, based on the experiences he has had.
My solution is to encourage folks here to support a private security company with lots of cameras and a highly trained force paid on a monthly basis by those who want protection.
They would integrate completely with the police, providing camera and community intel, training, equipment the regular police.
As they rotate, the cops would take that training to other places.
The cameras would need 24 hour manning which could be done by off duty cops at the barracks. This would bring additional income they need badly to the honest ones, and a good reason to stay honest.
And a rapid police response.
The cops need a camera and a white paper on the wall to take pics of every crook they pick up, costing less than $100.
They need a $100 fingerprinting kit for the same guys. New cops could flip through the pics while they are dozing at the station so they get up to date on their first day, instead of on their last week on assignment here.
They need a camera over the Water Taxi ticket booth you would be obliged to show an ID when buying the ticket.
Got robbed? Look at these cam shots until you see the guy, holding up his ID.
None of these things would need a big budget. In fact I would pay for all three of these ideas, if the cops had support security to make it work.

Last edited by Dane; 11/30/12 06:09 PM.