The March 31st, 2013 issue of The Capital Weekly is online HERE

This Week's Stories:

  • ICJ Referendum DOA? Belize Government Rejects Guatemala's Proposals:
    On March 26, 2013, the Governemnt of Belize, through its Ministry of Foreign Affairs, issued the following self-explanatory Press Release: The Government of Belize, having had occasion to review the proposals by the Republic of Guatemala as presented in writing on 17th March, 2013 to Secretary General of the Organization of American States, Jose Miguel Insulza, for the parties to consider postponement of the referenda for an indefinite period or for Belize to proceed on its own to hold a referendum on the agreed date, has decided to reject the Guatemalan proposals in their entirety. The Government of Belize notes that tremendous efforts over many years and through successive administrations have been spent in finding a negotiated solution that would bring to a definitive end Guatemala's unfounded claim to Belize, and that the failure of these attempts is what led to the signing of the Special Agreement by Belize, Guatemala and the OAS on 8th December, 2008.
  • Big Up the Cops! Quick Response Foils Kidnapping:
    Police have foiled a kidnapping in Corozal. On Sunday Night in Corozal Town, a one-year-old child, Ivy Yang Chen, was taken at gunpoint from her mother, Mei Tang Chen. Kidnappers demanded a ransom of US $450 Thousand. But, the Police responded quickly and their prompt action freed the child form her kidnappers. Here is the story as related by the Police to the media on Wednesday, and as reported by Channel 7 News. Allen Whylie Police Commissioner: "On Sunday, to be exact, we had a very heinous unspeakable crime that was committed against a young mother. In the Corozal district sometime after 7:30 that night, she was driving on a road in Santa Rita Village area, where 2 vehicles intercepted her vehicle and stop her from moving. Several persons came out of that vehicle and took her baby away, basically kidnap her child, a 1 year old baby."
  • Who Will It Be Now? Cross Country Classic Coming!:
    After five-years of Belizean drought, with Foreigners drinking up all the Cross Country glory, last year, 2012, young Giovanni Choto reclaimed the Garland for Belize and made all of us proud. Who will it be in 2013? That's what everybody wants to know. On Holy Saturday, March 30, 2013 we will all find out. Belizean again, or back to the Foreigners? What will it be; and who will it be?
  • From the Desk of the Chairman: Life and Death - Cycle of Cycles:
    It's that time of the year once again when issues of Life and Death come into sharp focus. It is, of course, the Easter Season, which is centrally about how one Man died in order that all Mankind might live. Everywhere, in every way, the cycle of Life and Death constantly plays out before us and around us. But, in this part of the World, in this peculiar Land, there is something in 2013 that tells us there is more at hand than just another turn in the regular cycle. Indeed, by all accounts, the year just ended a quarter ago marked for us the end of an entire cycle; the cycle of cycles, if you will; and the beginning of something completely new.
  • Congrats!:
    The Ministry of Health extends congratulations to Dr. Marjorie Parks on her Outstanding Women Award by the Women's Department of the Ministry of Human Development, Social Transformation and Poverty Alleviation. Dr. Parks was nominated for this award by the Nurses' Association of Belize. The award was given to her Wednesday Night, March 27, 2013 at a ceremony at the Bliss Center for the Performing Arts. Each year, the Women's Department chooses six women - one from each district - for their outstanding contributions to their organization and community. The Women's Department feels that "it is important to take note of all the honourees' contribution and to use the ceremony to reenergize their efforts in the path that leads to women's empowerment and respect for human rights."
  • New Venezuelan Ambassador Presents credentials to Governor General:
    His Excellency Yoel Del Valle Perez Marcano, Ambassador of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to Belize has presented his credentials to the Governor General of Belize, His Excellency Sir Colville Young. The Governor General extended a warm welcome to the Ambassador on behalf of the people of Belize; and both the Governor General and the Ambassador expressed hope for the continuation of their strong and cordial diplomatic relationship.
  • Prime Minister on Leave:
    The Office of the Prime Minister informs that the Hon. Dean Barrow departed the Country Wednesday, March 27, 2013 on personal leave. During the Prime Minister's absence, Hon. Gaspar Vega, the Deputy Prime Minister, will act as Prime Minister. Prime Minister Dean Barrow expects to return to Belize on Easter Monday, April 1, 2013.
  • PUBLIC CAUTION Prime Minister on Leave Rising Cases of Hepatitis A:
    The Ministry of Health is investigating a cluster of fourteen suspected cases of Hepatitis A that have occurred over the last three weeks in the Trio Village, Stann Creek District. One such case has been confirmed by lab. Hepatitis A is a food and waterborne disease with symptoms that may include yellowing of the eyes and skin, dark urine, light-colored stool along with mild fever, vomiting, diarrhea and loss of appetite among others. This self-limiting disease can also be contracted from close contact with infected individuals. T h e Ministry advises the public to take necessary precautions (as listed below) to prevent contamination and spread of the virus.
  • "Stop Trying to Scare the Belizean People!" Belmopan Member Rebuts Leader of the Opposition:
    Let me first observe that there are two traditional markers, standards or yardsticks used to judge a country's performance, or in this case, the performance of the United Democratic Party Government, My Government. And Mr., Speaker, let me say for the record that there are some who take issue with my reference to this United Democratic Party Government, this Government of the Honorable Dean Oliver Barrow, as "My Government". I continue to so unabashedly because, unlike those on the other side who are ashamed of the record of their government between 1998 and 2008 and ashamed of associating themselves with the Government of Said Musa, I am extremely proud of this United Democratic Party Government, and exceedingly proud of my Prime Minister, the Honorable Dean Oliver Barrow (applause).
  • Faith Lift By Zelda Hill: The Resurrection of Christ: Blind Faith or Fact?:
    Without the physical resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, Christianity is baseless. Today, over 2 billion people worldwide claim to be Christians and thus embrace faith in the deity, virgin-birth, suffering, death and bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ. Christians in Belize join yearly with Christendom to commemorate the Lenten Season and Easter, during which many commit to fasting and to giving up certain luxuries while others reflect on and celebrate the spiritual significance of Jesus' sufferings and triumphant resurrection from the dead.
  • All in Two Days' WorK PM Barrow Wraps Up Debate on 2013-2014 Budget:
    Mr. Speaker, let me try to deal as quickly as I can with what the main protagonists on the other side had to say. You know I was told that I should try to respond to at least each of their Deputy Leaders, but there are so many deputy leaders, that I am afraid I have to abandon the enterprise (applause)! A lot of chiefs and very few Indians over on that side! Anyway, I do want to bear well in mind, Mr. Speaker, as we conclude this marathon session, your admonition right at the start as to conduct. And I think, by and large, you have been rewarded; I feel the debate has been relatively civil. I don't want to depart from that, but I do have to sound a warning, Mr. Speaker. It is a hollowed parliamentary tradition everywhere in the civilized world, you know, for opponents to deploy language as a weapon. This is what happens in high-quality debates; you employ words as a sword on which to impale the other side. There's nothing quite like a well-turned phrase; a shaft that hits the mark.
  • "Busy Serving the People" (Presentation by Hon. Rene Montero during Budget Debate 2013-2014):
    Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of the 2013/2014 budget. But before I continue with my presentation I must take time to publicly congratulate our Prime Minister the Hon. Dean Barrow for his stewardship in the successful renegotiation of the super bond. Once again he has proven the 'nay-Sayers' wrong, and has proven that only a UDP Government can successfully deliver this country through financial hardship. The past year has been a successful one for the Ministry of Works regardless of the many challenges we have been faced with and the numerous obstacles we had to overcome. Nonetheless, I am pleased to report that due to superb leadership, dedication, and hard work of the WORKS TEAM we were able to show marked improvement in the road infrastructure of this jewel. Budgetary constraints continues to be a reality not only in this country, but in all developing economies thus the reason we are ever mindful of our Prime Minister's advice of the need to enhance the institutional capacity of ministries and encourage sustained improvement in their performance and management so that we can meet the expectations of the various stakeholders in our development efforts.
  • Congrats & Welcome : Recruit Intake #88 130 New Officers Join The Ranks of the Belize Police Department:
    Graduation Ceremonies were held on Tuesday, March 19, 2013 for 130 new officers of the Belize Police Force who make up Recruit Squad #88. During the Ceremonies, Awards were given out in various categories. Baton of Honor went to RPC 1528 Andy Rodriguez; In the Written Exam, First Place went to RPC 1450 Rodrigo Castillo, and Second Place to RPC 1528 Andy Rodriguez; the award for Most Consistent Recruit went also to RPC 1528 Andy Rodriguez. The Best Physical Condition Award was taken by RPC 1480 Daniel Jimenez; the 1st Shooting Qualification Award went to RPC 1467 David Gongora; the Commandant's Prize was received by WRPC 1544 Lourdes Torres; and the 1st in First Aid Award went to RPC 1579 Zair Pott.
  • More Expert-Training for Crime-Fighters UN and UK Sponsor Forensic Ballistic Training:
    The United Nations Regional Centre for Peace, Disarmament and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean (UNLIREC) in collaboration with the British High Commission in Belize and the Ministry of National Security has conducted a one-week Training on Forensic Ballistics mainly in support of criminal investigations and the counter-proliferation of firearms and ammunition. A one day seminar entitled 'Overview of Forensic Ballistics for Decision-Makers and Policy-Makers' was followed by a 4 day technical course exclusively for forensic technicians, forensic scientists and other specialized personnel. These activities form part of UNLIREC´s broader technical assistance to countries of the Caribbean and Central America focused on curbing illicit small arms trafficking and reducing armed violence.
  • Police Restructures to Meet New Challenges:
    Some significant fine-tuning has been taking place within the Police Department to better equip it to meet the new challenges. On March 18, 2013, Commissioner Allen Whylie summoned the media to a Press Briefing where he outlined the changes which are intended for greater efficiency and effectiveness. "We cannot be satisfied in terms of the status quo, and the way how things have been done in the past. And whilst there will be pit falls, challenges and difficulties, rest assured that we firmly believe that the senior leadership level, that these changes are for the betterment of the department as well as the services to the nation." The policing zones of the country have been re-constructed to ensure that important administration is carried under the direct command of senior officers. There are 4 different regions or zones; Commander of the Northern Region is Sr. Superintendent Joseph Myvette. Eastern Zone Commander is Assistant Commissioner of Police Miguel Segura. Senior Superintendent Aaron Guzman commands the Western Region. And Senior Superintendent Robert Mariano commands the Southern Region.
  • Belmopan Kids and Youth Cup 2013:
    Belmopan City Council Kids and Youth Cups 2013 (Organized by Belmopan Football League)