The September 8th, 2013 issue of The Capital Weekly is online HERE

This Week's Stories:

  • GOB Supports Mega-Project By Belizeans Businessman:
    The Government of Belize supports, in principle, the Mega- Million Dollar Project unveiled this past week by Belizean Developer Mike Feinstein to build a docking facility at Stake Bank just off the coast of Belize City. That's what Hon. John Saldivar, who was Acting Prime Minister at the time, told reporters on Thursday, one day following the announcement by Feinstein and his group. The project, Feinstein says, entails an immediate investment of over $100 Million and will create thousands of jobs. "We certainly welcome the concept, we welcome the investors that are trying to put this project off the ground, but as with everything else - they need to go by the rules and they have to do their EIA's, and once they pass through the various processes - then it's a go," Saldivar told reporters.
  • Belmopan Wins Atlantic Bank Female Football:
    The Belmopan Triple B's won the 2013 Atlantic Bank female football championship by drilling the Ladyville Jaguars 8-0 in Game 2 of the finals at the FFB Stadium in Belmopan on Saturday, September 7. Game 1 of the finals had ended in a 0-0 draw at the MCC grounds on Saturday, August 31. Belmopan's Kaina Martinez and Miriam Villamil led the attack with the help of Iris Centeno and Joslyn "Chu-chu" Cadle on the wings and Kaya Cattouse and Jennisha Scott at midfield. Ladyville Jaguars was sorely missing Shineele Gentle who had to sit out the game following a red card suspension from the first final aand their star sweeper Sara Arzu was also missing in action.
  • Celebrating 21 5th Anniversary of Battle of St. George's Caye:
    Tuesday, September 10 marks the 215th Anniversary of the Battle of St. George's Caye. One of the most central elements of the celebration is the crowning of the Queen of the Bay, which takes place during the Official Battle of St. George's Caye Day Ceremonies, traditionally held at the Memorial Park in the Old Capital, Belize City. This year's Queen of the Bay is Toledo's Jahrine Avila, the Bay Pageant at the Bliss Institute for the Performing Arts in Belize City on Friday night, August 30. Miss Stann Creek Verinicia Vernon won 1st runner-up, while second runner up was Miss Belmopan, Mikayla Venise Banner, who also won the talent section that took place two weeks earlier.
  • A Good Time to be Belizean:
    The National September Celebrations are here! The Tenth is right upon us, and Independence is just around the corner. No matter what our personal situation, every warm-blooded Belizean this time of the year is somehow infected by the patriotism and festiveness that fills the air. This year, as we commemorate our nationhood, our sovereignty and our right to self-determination, the celebrations somehow seem to take on a bit more meaning than they ordinarily do. Indeed, there are some tangible and timely, if not overdue, developments newly unfolding, which are worth quite a celebration, as they truly serve to reinforce and consummate the Independence we nominally attained over three decades ago.
  • Promoting Literacy for a Peaceful Belize:
    Literacy Day Celebrated in Belmopan with Schools' Parade Friday September 6, 2013 Through Principal Streets of the Capital City. Literacy Day this year is being observed Worldwide on Sunday September 8, but in Belize it was observed two days earlier on Friday September 6, 2013. In Belmopan, as in Belize City, a number of schools held activities to mark the day. In the Nation's Capital a combined Schools' Parade was held through the major streets of the City. The Day was observed with the theme, "Promoting Literacy for a Peaceful Belize".
  • When Culture and Carnality Converge:
    On the exterior we see sparkling images of Belizean flora and fauna, jubilant faces and bodies of all shades of brown, accentuated by colourful clothing and glittering paint, swaying and vibrating in the sweltering heat to the pulsating rhythm of cultural music. For a while we forget our dividing socio-economic and political differences and unite to celebrate our natural heritage and cultural diversity. However, a closer look at our Belizean Carnival will reveal much more than culture. The clothing, if you call it that, seems inadequate and attracts lustful stares and arousals, the male dancers seem to prefer effeminate outfits and moves and the dances are sexually suggestive and perverted. Even the movement of our young children illustrate that their innocent minds have been corrupted as they give adult onlookers "bedroom" lessons, while their intoxicated mothers cheer them on with pride.
  • Belize - United States Partnership Reaffirmed: New SOUTHCOM Commander Visits Belmopan:
    The welcome could not have been any warmer than it was last Thursday when General John F. Kelly, the new head of the U.S. Southern Command touched down in Belmopan. It was the first ever visit to Belize for the seasoned and decorated General who is now responsible for all operations of the US Army from below Mexico all the way down to the tip of South America. The General's visit started the day before, Wednesday September 4 and took him along the Country's borderline waters by helicopter, in addition to important to the tip of South America. Incidentally, or maybe not so incidentally, General, I would like to point out that Belize is, geographically speaking, the first nation south of Mexico; and I would like to think that we are also first in line for assistance and joint-initiatives under your command." As noted in Channel Five's Evening newscast in a report by its special assignment reporter, Mike Rudon, "The U.S. Southern Command has been a very friendly partner in Belizean development - in areas ranging from medical care and infrastructure assistance to training and the donation of military expertise and equipment, very often on a large scale.
  • Remarks by Hon. John Saldivar Welcoming General John F. Kelly to Belize:
    Miss Margaret Hawt h o r n e , Charg� d 'Affai re s, US Embassy, Belize; General John F. Kelly, Commander, US Southern Command; Lieutenant Colonel Ricardo Gonzalez, US Military Liaison Officer, Belize; Colonel (ret.) George Lovell, CEO, Ministry of National Security; General David Jones, Commander, Belize Defence Force; Rear Admiral John Borland, Commandant, Belize Coast Guard; Mr. Allen Whylie Commissioner, Belize Police Department; Members of the various security forces present; Other distinguished guests; Members of the Media; Ladies and Gentlemen: Good afternoon. It gives me great pleasure to welcome to Belize for his first visit ever, General John F. Kelly, Commander of the US Southern Command. For those of you that don't know, General Kelly is in charge of all operations and initiatives by the United States Military from below Mexico all the way down to the tip of South America.
  • Biography of General John F. Kelly: Commander of United States Southern Command:
    General Kelly was born and raised in Boston, MA. He enlisted in the Marine Corps in 1970, and was discharged as a sergeant in 1972, after serving in an infantry company with the 2nd Marine Division, Camp Lejeune, NC. Following graduation from the University of Massachusetts in 1976, he was commissioned and returned to the 2nd Marine Division where he served as a rifle and weapons platoon commander, company executive officer, assistant operations officer, and infantry company commander. Sea duty in Mayport, FL, followed, at which time he served aboard aircraft carriers USS Forrestal and USS Independence. In 1980, then Captain Kelly transferred to the U.S. Army's Infantry Officer Advanced Course in Fort Benning, GA. After graduation, he was assigned to Headquarters Marine Corps, Washington, DC, serving there from 1981 through 1984, as an assignment monitor.
  • GREAT Documentary Launched by Police Department : Gang Resistance Education And Training:
    This past Thursday, September 5, 2013 in Belize City, the Police Department launched a historic documentary which chronicles the success of a joint initiative in which that department is the lead agency, and which involves the US Embassy in a collaborative effort which puts trained Police Officers in the classroom to impart real life skills to our young people. The program is patterned off a similar program that originated and was implemented in the United States. In Belize the program got started back in 2008. It has reportedly been a remarkable success, and the public now gets an opportunity through this video documentary to witness a great deal of it. The program is administered through the Community Policing Unit which is now headed by Senior Superintendent of Police Louise Willis.
  • Another Historic September Day: First National Bank of Belize Opens In Belmopan:
    Now, Ladies and gentlemen, this is one time when, in describing the proceedings as historic, we engage in no hyperbole. The launch of the National Bank of Belize is an accomplishment for the ages. And so I want to start by immediately thanking the very many persons that have made it possible. Principal among them are Minister Joy Grant, Chairperson of the Board of Directors, and all the other Board members including, of course, the Managing Director, Mr. Jose Marin. Minister Grant, though, has perhaps done more than anyone else to make this a reality. I know that Saturday evening when I was becoming concerned, because having passed here on Friday and having seen that we were not all together in a state of readiness, she reassured me by indicating that she was even then at the Bank engaging in helping to sweep the premise.
  • Address by Honourable Joy Grant Chair of the National Bank of Belize:
    It is my pleasure to welcome you all to a historic event in the evolution of the financial sector in Belize, and as a result, in the economic wellbeing of our Belizean People, the establishment of the National Bank of Belize, and the opening of its first branch here in Belmopan. This opening marks the successful realization of a vision shared by Belizeans of different political affiliations but united in their belief in the value to our people of a bank whose focus is on serving the financial interest of all Belizeans, whose goal is not about maximizing profit but about providing the working class Belizean with the financial assistance and knowledge they require to improve their living standards through the construction and purchase of new homes, and later the renovation and upgrading of existing residences. The impetus for operationalizing the vision by establishing he Bank at this time originated with Prime Minister the Honorable Dean Barrow.
  • Partnering for Rural Family Health The Ministry of Health and the Peace Corps:
    A total of sixteen (16) new Peace Corps Volunteers are in-country for a two year work mission. They aim to partner with community health workers on a Rural Family Health Programme, an initiative of the Ministry of Health and Peace Corps. Volunteers will be assigned to Cayo, Orange Walk, Toledo and Belize Districts. The pioneer team arrived on June 26th and was enrolled in an intensive orientation and training program which ended August 13tb. This marks the first time that all volunteers will be assigned to the Ministry of Health to work in primarily rural communities for their stay; and the first all Peace Corps Volunteers will live with host families for the full duration of service.
  • Miley Garcia Cayo Softball Finals: Camalote Blazers Win Game One Over Roaring Creek:
    The Camalote Blazers are one game away from winning the 2013 Miley Garcia Female Softball Championship in the competition organized by the Cayo Softball Association. Camalote won Game One of the finals 1-0 over the Roaring Creek Grace Kennedy at the Denbeigh Fuller Stadium in Camalote on Sunday, September 8. Camalote's veteran pitcher Francine Salazar struck out 4 batters and walked one, giving up 5 hits, but even though the Camalote fielders committed one error, the Roaring Creek girls scored no runs, leaving 6 runners on base.