The June 5th, 2013 issue of The Capital Weekly is online HERE

This Week's Stories:

  • PM Donates 50,000! Discusses Gold Cup with FFB Officials:
    Last week the Football Federation of Belize (FFB) announced it's decision to hold an Official Telethon on Saturday, June 15 to raise funds to send the Belize National Football Selection to the Gold Cup in the United States, a prestigious CONCACAF Regional Tournament which begins on July 7, 2013. The FFB said it needs to raise a total of $500,000 (Half a Million Dollars) to send our proud footballers to the Gold Cup to Represent the Jewel. The Federation is asking every Belizean to donate at least One Dollar ($1.00) towards supporting our National Selection, and is calling on businesses to adopt a player; which is to donate funds for the cost of sending one player to the Gold Cup (BZ $5,000.00). Well, this past week, the FFB's fundraising efforts got an excellent jump start as Prime Minister Hon. Dean Barrow, on behalf of the Government of Belize, handed over a cheque of $50,000 towards the cause.
  • They Finally Did It! Police Win PLB Championship:
    It was the third time consecutively that they had gone to the Finals of the Premier League of Belize (PLB) National Football Competition. The previous two years they fell short of winning the championship, earning them the derisive nickname in sports circles of 'bridesmaid'. This time, the Police United Football Club finally did it; they earned the ultimate distinction of being the 2013 PLB Football Champions. The decisive match was played last Saturday, May 25 inside the FFB Stadium in the Capital City of Belmopan, starting around 8 PM. The Police United Team went into that second and final match of the Finals holding a narrow lead of 1 goal to zero, earned in the first game of the two-game home and away series.
  • Kim Raises $500,000+:
    Last Year was the first time she did it, and it was very successful - the Nationwide Telethon spearheaded by First Lady of Belize and Special Envoy for Women and Children, Mrs. Kim Simplis Barrow, to raise funds for Children with Disabilities in Belize. This weekend, Saturday June 1, 2013, the second such telethon was held, in conjunction with Care Belize; and it once again exceeded its target of $500,000. The event featured an extensive line-up of Belizean artists and was broadcast live on all major TV and Radio Stations.
  • Troubling Days for Democracy:
    Ha v i n g recently ent e r e d the second year of its second term in office, the current administration is admittedly beginning to show visible cracks and fissures here and there, confirming the fact that no human creation or endeavor is ever perfect. Notwithstanding, the popularity of the Government headed by Prime Minister Dean Barrow is, by all accounts, on the resurgence. The results of the ongoing Village Council Elections being conducted countrywide clearly indicate that the Party in Government is solidifying the trust and confidence placed in it by the Belizean People as it consolidates the gains made in its first term of office.
  • Sweet Celebration! Sugar Production Exceeds Expectations:
    The big economic news of the past week is that the Sugar Industry has performed exceptionally well over the crop year just ended. In fact, the performance went well beyond expectations, triggering a big celebration at what has been dubbed the Dia de Los Caneros (Cane Farmers Day) observed this past Friday, May 31, 2013. In true democratic fashion, the Cane Farmers invited leaders from both major political parties to speak at the event in Orange Walk, the incumbent party (UDP) represented by Deputy Prime Minister and Orange Walk Area Representative Hon. Gaspar Vega, the PUP by Leader of the Opposition Hon. Francis Fonseca. Be that as it may, it is certainly the current UDP Administration and the farmers themselves who deserve a great deal of the credit for what will certainly go down in history as one of the most remarkable turnarounds for the better.
  • Early Rains - Quick Response: Culverts Replaced on Burrell Boom-Hattieville:
    As noted in our report on the Press Conference held by the Ministry of National Emergency Management and Belize's National Emergency Management Organization (NEMO), the Minister in charge, Hon Godwin Hulse, commented that there had already been two named storms for the year 2013 even before the official opening of the Hurricane Season. Truth is those storms, named Alvin and Barbara, had actually developed in the Eastern Pacific, where the Official Hurricane Sea son starts as early as May 15. In Belize where the storms affecting us generally form in the Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea, the Official Hurricane Season would not commence until June 1, but we have already been visited by a relatively early rainy season with some heavy torrential showers for several days over the past two weeks. And, although in most areas the ground was pretty dry prior to that, the early rains were perhaps more than needed, and certainly more than could be readily absorbed in such a short period.
  • Belmopan Cycling Race:
    On Sunday, June 2, Belmopan City presented a cycling race to La Democracia, Caves Branch Bridge on Hummingbird Highway, and back to Belmopan, covering 60 Miles. The race was won by Junior Cyclist Giovanni Lovell of BTL. Jose Choto came 2nd, Allen Castillo 3rd, Angel Tzil 4th, and Erwin Middleton 5th.
  • Ready or Not: Here Comes Hurricane Season 2013!:
    It's one of those seasons most Belizeans don't await with eager expectation, but whether we like it or not, the Hurricane season is here, having coming Saturday, June 1. Are we ready for it? We had better be, says the National Emergency Management Organization (NEMO), which falls under the Ministry of National Emergency Management headed by Hon. Godwin Hulse, who at a press conference this past Thursday reminded us that Hurricanes and the response to it are not just the business of his Ministry and NEMO, but that of every individual who can be affected: "The state is prepared to assist all the individuals of this country to be safe in the event of a disaster, prepared to assist you to be as safe as possible." Honorable Godwin Hulse said. "The state cannot and will not save your life - that is for God, and we take no such credit. I open with that, because too many times there is the misconception that, "Well, there is a hurricane coming; weh unu the do?"
  • "The Woman You Gave Me!":
    It has often been said that whatever men can do, women can do it even better. While this statement is an endorsement to the diverse abilities possessed by women to excel in unfamiliar domains, it can also mean that women have the potential to surpass the evils done by Ted Bundy, Jim Jones or Adolf Hitler. It is no surprise then that the effort that was started in the Western World as the Feminist Movement, which was once strongly rooted in the traditional Judeo- Christian concepts of truth, morality and justice, has now evolved into an influential movement far removed from the ideals and goals of the original feminists. Neo Feminism (the New Feminism) is now commanding enormous social shifts globally as trailblazers in the global campaign that seeks to redefine the terms "gender" and "family" and to entice organizations and governments for laws to support rights and freedoms to engage in activities that are totally contrary to God's design and purpose.
  • The Case of the Crawl Caye Project: A Lesson in Transparency, Thoughtfulness and Thoroughness:
    An on-going n e w s - s t o r y in the local B e l i z e a n media has to do with the possibility, feasibility or desirability of a Tourismrelated project in Southern Belize which Norwegian Cruise Lines has expressed interest in pursuing. For context, let's go back to a portion of Prime Minister Dean Barrow's most recent Quarterly Press Conference on April 29, 2013: "Norwegian Cruise-Lines has written to the Government of Belize and has been in discussion. We've appointed a Cabinet Sub-Committee to carry this along. They want to do a cruise facility in the South. We're looking very carefully at the area to ensure that there are no difficulties from an environmental or conservation, protection point of view." Following up on the Prime Minister's comments, Jules Vasquez of Channel Seven News asked: "Sir, are you able to say, you spoke earlier in a superficial way about Crawl Caye, the option of Crawl Caye. Are you taking into consideration the fact that it annexes a World Heritage Site and, secondly, that the National Tourism Master Plan also says that only pocketcruising should be reserved for the South of Belize?"
  • Challenges, Changes, Excellence: Public Service Showcased at Information Day 2013:
    Because they represent and work for the Government, the roles they play and the duties they perform on a day to day basis are too often taken for granted; pretty much like the forces of Nature: Sunshine, Rain, Wind, the Tides, etc. But the effectiveness of Public Officers in executing their functions to the community they serve is not as automatic as we often seem to think. A lot goes into it, not the least of which is the personal motivation and drive to do their best. Of course, a little understanding from the public also goes a long way in helping them to perform and serve more effectively and more meaningfully. The self-motivation and public-appreciation that combine for a more effective government workforce is perhaps also the underlying objective of what has now become an annual event known as Public Service Information Day. In Belmopan, it was held two Thursdays ago, and by all accounts, it was a great success.
  • Short Term and Long Term Solution: PM Barrow Fixes Infant-Mortality Problem at KHMH:
    In the news for the past two weeks or so has been the issue of the death of 12 premature babies within one month at the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital, all established to have been caused by a bacteria that had somehow found its way into the hospital. It's one of those stories that still has many wondering how the situation could have reached such crisis levels without the Management and Board of the Hospital being fully apprised of the situation and taking measures to address it as promptly as possible. It's a story that will no doubt continue to be discussed, with the media and the public understandably continuing to ask the hard, basic questions. For now, what's particularly essential is that measures are taken to ensure that such deaths do not continue to occur. It is with this objective in mind that Prime Minister Barrow on Thursday, May 30 made the following announcement at a Press Conference called by the Ministry of Health and the KHMH Management:
  • UDP Dominant in Village Council Elections Countrywide:
    After FOUR weeks of Village Council Elections Countrywide, with only two weeks to go, the United Democratic Party has a commanding lead, scoring significant victories even in villages and constituencies which it lost by significant margins in the last Elections. This is an encouraging sign for the party which almost lost the 2012 General Elections because of low voter support in the rural areas. The chart on the left shows results of the most recent round of village council elections this past weekend; the one below, the overall tally.
  • Miami Blows out Indiana in Game 7:
    Their season, their legacy, their reign atop the NBA was all at stake, and the Miami Heat responded to all of that in a manner befitting champions. With a blowout. It's onto the NBA Finals for the Heat after they put away the Indiana Pacers, who saw their hopes of a storybook upset simply fall apart in a hurry. LeBron James scored 32 points and grabbed eight rebounds, ailing Dwyane Wade matched his post-season high with 21 points, and the Heat ran away from the Pacers 99-76 in Game 7 of the Eastern Conference finals on Monday night. The Heat advanced to play the San Antonio Spurs in a series that starts Thursday night in Miami.
  • New Members of Elections and Boundaries Commission:
    A Swearing-in Ceremony was held on May 23, 2013, at Belize House, Belmopan for members of the Elections and Boundaries Commission. His Excellency the Governor General, Sir Colville Young, swore in Mrs. Phillipa Griffith Bailey, Ms. Naima Barrow, Mr. Derek Courtenay, S.C., and Mr. Orlando Espat, who have been appointed as members of the Elections and Boundaries Commission for a period of five years with effect from 1st May, 2013.
  • Belmopan Kids and Youth Cup 2013:
    Playoff Schedule for Weekend - June 1 & 2