The April 14, 2013 issue of The Capital Weekly is online HERE

This Week's Stories:

  • Plus TV Defames Saldivar?:
    Belmopan Rep Takes Andrews and Plus TV to Court. Minister of National Security and Area Representative for Belmopan, Hon. John Saldivar has filed a law suit against Patrick Andrews and PLUS TV for comments made by Andrews against Saldivar, comments which the Minister says cannot be proven, that are absolutely untrue and manufactured. The comments were made by Andrews on Plus TV's Morning Show, Rise and Shine in an exchange between Andrews and Minister of Education Hon. Patrick Faber who was a guest on the show. Andrew's comments were regarding the use of public funds which Saldivar, as an area representative, was authorized to utilize, in accordance with financial regulations, to provide assistance to his constituents during the Christmas Season.
  • The Media Polices Everyone Who Will Police the Media ?:
    Over the past two decades or so, there has been a proliferation of media entities, mainly electronic; and talk shows, mainly on weekday mornings, have become a staple of the Belizean diet. The competition has grown exceedingly intense as every media organization endeavours to dominate listenership, which means being able to feed the public's insatiable appetite for scandal and sensation. It is, some will argue, an inevitable feature of a developed, in our case, a developing society. It is often hailed as Liberalism and an essential tool of a vibrant Democracy.
  • New Deputy Mayor for Belmopan:
    At a meeting of the Belmopan City Council held on Tuesday, 9th April 2013, Mr. Joel Westby was elected as the new Deputy Mayor of Belmopan for 2013-2014. He succeeds Councillor Amilcar Uma�a who held the post for two consecutive years, 2011/2012 and 2012/2013. Mr. Westby is a well-known educator who is presently teaching at the Kuxlin Ha Government School in Belmopan. The Mayor, Councillors and Workers of the Belmopan City Council wish him every success in his new assignment.
  • Belmopan Bandits T-Shirts for Sale:
    Fans of the Belmopan Bandits Football Club are advised that the official Bandits Team Jersey is on Sale at a price of $50.00 each. Visit our Team Facebook page at www.facebook/ belmopanbandits or email us at bmpbanditsfc@gmail. com or call: 626-8362. Dress Like a Winner !
  • Paving the Road to Sea-Side Paradise:
    Project launched to Upgrade Hopkins Access Road. A Launching Ceremony to signal the start of works for the upgrading of the Hopkins road from the Southern Highway to the Main Street of Hopkins Village at King Cassava was held Friday afternoon April 12, 2013. The project, funded by the Government of Belize and a grant from the European Union (E.U.) as part of the Belize Rural Development Project II, is being executed through a contract with Belize Roadway Construction in partnership with Rodla Construction Company Ltd. Tourists and Belizeans alike with the desire to travel and explore the country of Belize will enjoy the outcome of the project, which will result in the 4 � mile access road upgraded from gravel to paved status. The project will not only enhance the beauty and appeal of travelling to Hopkins, but will also increase the livelihoods of the people of the village through the expected influx of visitors and the inevitable proliferation of new business in the village of Hopkins.
  • WANTED: 'The Blessing':
    What the Old Testament Jewish family knew and the Orthodox-Jewish family knows as 'the Blessing', which translates to the love, attention, encouragement and security that all children need, is missing from our homes. It is no secret that the home or lack thereof, is the primary reason for the escalating mayhem in our Belizean society. The absence of parental guidance, love and acceptance, replaced by indifference, neglect and abuse has had serious consequences in many children's lives. Unless there is some positive intervention, these children become youths and adults who are unable to feel accepted by others and to build meaningful relationships; they become withdrawn and without concern for others and when they have children of their own they believe that they have no blessing to pass on to them.
  • Water Rates to remain unchanged April:
    On December 31, 2012, in accordance with the Water and Sewage (Tariffs) Byelaws, 2002 (S.I. 67 of 2002), the Belize Water Services Limited (BWS) made a proposal to the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) that there be no Annual Review Proceeding (ARP) for the determination of tariffs for the Annual Tariff Period (ATP) April 1, 2013, to March 31, 2014, and that the current tariffs remain unchanged. In accordance with the said Byelaws, the PUC concluded that there was no exceptional circumstances to warrant that an ARP be initiated on the PUC's own volition and accepted BWS' proposal. Consequently, the currently approved tariffs, fees and charges shall remain in effect for the ATP April 1, 2013, to March 31, 2014. The approved tariffs, fees and charges are as follows:
  • Training, Training and More Training:
    Police Officers Complete Course in Maneuvering Motorcycle. For our disciplined forces, every aspect of their work and operations must be executed with skill, professionalism and teamwork if they are to be effective. It might seem like a minor matter, but even the art of maneuvering a motorcycle through the streets of the city requires some specialized training. This past week, over twenty Police officers completed a three-day course in basic motorcycle maneuvering. Most of the officers taking part in the training were first time motorcycle riders. The officer in charge of the training, Sergeant Jerome Stevens, speaking with the Government Press Officer, explained: "The purpose of this training class is to allow the Police officers to learn to ride motorcycles.
  • Major Upgrade Underway:
    The National Agriculture and Trade Show, a traditional, annual event, is less than a month away and plans are well underway for it. This year it's not just the regular, routine preparation, but major physical upgrading of the show grounds on the outskirts of the Nation's Capital, and significant changes in the lineup of activities for the event itself. After leading a weekend tour of the show grounds by members of the media, CEO Jose Alpuche on Monday accompanied Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Agriculture Hon. Gaspar Vega on a thorough inspection of the work in progress.
  • Precinct Policing Produces Progress:
    When Commissioner Allen Whylie took over command of the Police Department on January 9, 2013, one of the first things he stated quite clearly was that under his leadership the Police Department, the structure and style of Police Department would not be rigid but would rather be subject to whatever changes are necessary in order to be efficient and effective in fighting crime and restoring and maintaining citizens' security and safe communities. " We are challenged with the issue of crime countrywide, but in particular, in Belize City," the Commissioner said. "I want to tell you, don't despair. I am committed; the leadership is committed; the government is committed to make the necessary changes to ensure that the citizenry across this country, and in particular Belize City, can enjoy the level of safety and security that they deserve; and I will work tirelessly, the senior officers and the members of this Belize Police Department will work tirelessly.
  • Lakers Might Make It To the Playoffs:
    Kobe Bryant had surgery Saturday on his torn Achilles tendon, ending his season with two games left in the Los Angeles Lakers' playoff chase. Lakers trainer Gary Vitti thinks Bryant will need at least six to nine months for recovery from the most serious injury of his 17-year NBA career. Given Bryant's history of swift recovery from countless minor injuries, Vitti and Lakers general manager Mitch Kupchak both believe the 34-yearold guard could be back for their season opener in the fall.
    Nominations opens at 9:00 a.m. and closes at 10:00 a.m. in all Villages Villages without asterisk denote Poll closes at 1:00 p.m
  • Melonie Gillett's First Latino Track! Collaboration with Belmopan's Chami-Ka:
    Melonie Gillett is, without a doubt, one of Belize's best musical artists currently making music. She's got charm, but she's also got lyrics; and she's got the voice. Having already made her mark, Melonie is doing it again; and this time she's doing something completely different from what we've gotten used to from her, demonstrating the confidence she's developed as a successful and ever-growing, authentic and original Belizean artist. Teaming up with well known Belmopan based latino artist, Chami- Ka, Melonie is now singing in Spanish. The track is called, "LO QUE SIENTO POR TI", and it's Melonie's first ever Spanish recording.
  • Address by Hon. Rene Montero: Launch of Paving of Hopkins Access Road:
    I wish to extend my warmest welcome and hearty thanks to my colleague Hon. Minister of State in the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development (With responsibility for Economic Development), CEO of the Ministry of Economic Development, CEO - Ministry of Works and Transport, Chairman of Hopkins Village, Representatives from the European Union, Staff from the Project Execution Unit and the Ministry of Works and Transport, Villagers and students from Hopkins and surrounding Villages and all invited guests - Thank you for taking part in the Launching Ceremony for the Upgrading of the Hopkins Village Road today. In particular, my special thanks to Mr. Cosimo Lamberti-Fossati the EU Technical Support Officer to Belize for joining us on this momentous occasion on behalf on the European Union.
  • Big Up Bandits! Belmopan Leads PLB:
    They are the defending champions from last year, and the Belmopan Bandits Football Club seem to be in good shape to retain their title in the Premier League of Belize (PLB). Having strengthened their line-up with additions as big as Belize's international scoring machine, Deon McCauley, the Belmopan Bandits Football Club are now sitting on top in the standings in the PLB with 26 points, being the only team to have already qualified for the playoffs. This was accomplished last weekend, Saturday night to be exact, when they defeated the Belize Defense Force (BDF) by a score of 2 to 1, McCauley scoring the team's second and winning goal, after helping to set the play for the first goal by beating two BDF defenders and passing the ball to Jerome James who found Denmark Casey, who in turn found the back of the net. The BDF's only goal in the game came from a penalty.
  • Barbados Economy Contracts in First Quarter of 2013, its Central Bank Says:
    The Central Bank of Barbados Tuesday said that the Barbados economy contracted by 0.4 per cent in the first three months of 2013 and urged the authorities to put "back on track" the fiscal consolidation strategy as well as a new medium term adjustment strategy to turn around the island's economic fortunes. In its review of the Barbados economic performance fore the first quarter of this year, the Central bank said that on current trends there may be no real increase in the contribution to gross domestic product (GDP) from the tourism or international business sectors in 2013. It said that the the forecasts for the rest of the economy are no better, with overall GDP expected to be virtually flat.
  • Belmopan Kids and Youth Cup 2013:
    Results of Belmopan City Council Kids and Youth Cups 2013 (Organized by Belmopan Football League)
  • Darnell Did It - It's About 'Darn' Time!:
    Almost one year ago when LeBron James finally won his first NBA championship, he exclaimed, "It's about damn time!" And two weeks ago when Belizean cyclist Darnell Barrow finally won his first Cross Country Championship, that's pretty much what most Belizeans were thinking: "It's about darn time!" Certainly, from 2011, if not before, many were predicting a Darnell Barrow victory; and while he didn't reclaim the garland for Belize that year, he was the second Belizean to cross the finish line, coming in fifth behind Shane Vasquez, who took fourth place that year, and who was at that time the last Belizean to win the title, doing so back in 2006. Shane was, of course, the first Belizean to cross the finish line in 2011, a Guatemalan cyclist, Luis Santizo, being the fifth straight foreigner that walked away with the prestigious garland following Shane's victory in 2006.