Hurricane Mitch- Friday

10/26 Reports
10/27 Reports
10/28 Reports
10/29 Reports
10/30 Reports
10/31- 11/2
11/3- Current
Relief Efforts
People Locator

As of Friday, Oct.30, here are the conditions on the ground in San Pedro. These postings are coming from folks still on the island, or folks in contact with those on the island. We will add to this as we are able... All information is about San Pedro unless specifically noted. If you have information to add, please click here. I am able to be telephoned at USA 541-686-0277 or 541-686-9209. We are getting contributions from folks all over, but I would like to give special thanks to Jorge Varela, Julian Rivero, Susan Garcia, and Ray Auxillou for their incredible abilities to dig up the details that make this site so special.

Tropic Air is not able to fly a regular schedule today but will be running a full schedule tomorrow barring further inclement weather. Holiday Hotel will open on a limited basis on Sunday and fully shortly thereafter.

The Deputy Prime Minister is asking that Tourists follow through with their plans to visit the country.

It would be a good idea for hotels, airlines, and tour companies to contact their guests and inform them that the damages are NOT SEVERE and that they should follow through with their travel plans.

Friday Evening 10pm
while the circulation center is devoid of thunderstorms...Mitch continues to produce intense convection primarily near the Pacific border area of Honduras and nicaragua. In that top temperatures as low as -90c have been observed by goes satellite and imply that torrential rains continue. Winds remain locally strong along the Honduras caribbean coast...with 45-50 kt noted earlier this evening at roatan.

Surface data and satellite pictures suggest that the surface center is now over central Honduras and moving toward about 250 degrees near 6 kt. While numerical models have shown an eventual breakdown in the high to the north for some days...the 18z avn now indicates that change should take place within the next 48 hours. If correct ...And if Mitch survives that Long...then Mitch could be pulled toward the nw or north. The track forecast is based on that progression and is similar to the track model guidance.

Heavy rainfall and the potential for floods are likely to persist for at least another 24 to 48 hours over portions of Honduras... nicaragua...guatemala...belize...el Salvador...and the Yucatan Peninsula.

There is some possibility that tropical storm warnings could eventually be required for the Pacific coast of some of the above mentioned areas.

    forecast positions and max winds
initial  31/0300z 14.4n  87.3w  45 kts...inland
12hr vt  31/1200z 14.5n  88.1w  40 kts...inland
24hr vt  01/0000z 14.7n  89.1w  30 kts...inland
36hr vt  01/1200z 15.4n  90.2w  30 kts...inland
48hr vt  02/0000z 16.1n  91.2w  30 kts...inland
72hr vt  03/0000z 18.0n  92.0w  30 kts...inland

Click here for images of tracking path and weather map

Belize City
A leader of the shopkeeper community in the city has confirmed that there were breakins and looting. The extent is not fully known yet however there has been numerous arrests.

Hurrah! Come All To Visit Belize 8:21 PM
Hello Friends Of The World, Hurrah! Hurrah! Thanks to you all for all your prayers, in our greatest moment of need, and the promises of assistance you have offered to us. MITCH IS NO LONGER, THE LORD HAS PROTECTED ALL OF US! Our great barrier reef is safe for all of you to see. San Pedro is coming alive as I write. Our great wonderful country has been spared from the monstrous Mitch. We are preparing to receive you as you pack your things to travel to our exotic beautiful country. We are having a little rain, but it is a MORIBUND MITCH.

FOLLOW ALL YOUR PLANS, COME TO BELIZE. Our wild life is intact and more alive than before, our forests are greener, there has been a lot of water for them. Our great mayan temples are drying up for you to climb and photograph them. Our cayes are opening their doors to receive you as the sea is abating to a tamed, tranquil, shallow, blue barrier reef ( a world heritage) filled with friendly marine life.

We thank you all for your good wishes, and prayers. We were all heard. There has been absolutely no report on loss of life ( thank you all) and very little loss in material things. We were prepared for the worst all over the country.

We thank our Government of Belize, We thank Patty Arceo for inspiring confidence in us, We thank the Weather Channel, We thank our local radio stations, and We applaud for ourselves. We prepared ourselves, and the Lord helped us. When you all visit us, you will hear interesting anecdotes from the critical moments that Mitch made us pass through. There was love, kindness, sharing and solidarity never before put to the test. There was fun in the mass exodus from the coast and cayes, in our villages, etc. Visit My Tropical Page to convince yourself that it is time for you to come to Belize!! For God, People, and Country
G.Rosado JP BS

I am Tony Rath's father up here in Minnesota. I talked to him on the phone about 6pm on the 29th. He, personnaly, was back at Pelican Beach, with 3 other fellows, patrolling with dogs and weapons to prevent any looting, although they have not encountered any such actions up to then.

He says conditions then were fair to good. High water yet, but he was able to walk out onto the pier which was at water level. Lots of trash piled up against the front of the resort building with some water in on the floors. He said the river, then, was right at flood stage, and any appreciable amount of rain would put it over the banks.

He was able to walk to his office building which is down near the antenna tower and everything was fine there. He said the max winds were around 35 mph and didn't believe there was much wind damage, at least from what he could see.
Thank you sir, and thank you for the infomation about your family and from Dangriga. I have learned much from your son, he is a master photographer and a master programmer, as you probably know. He has skills above those of mortal men.

I am very glad everyone is safe and I will post the info on the site. I hope it doesn't rain too much, and the folks can get down from out of the west before the rains hit too hard.

Its been a wild one,

Corozal 8:14 PM Belize Time
Everything is OK. One squall in the morning -- already reported. A few small ones after. No serious flooding -- just normal storm flooding -- that receded quickly.

There has been no rain at all for the past 4 hours!! Satilite maps show a "no-show". I think we can put Mitch to Bed for Northern Belize.

People were allowed to return from the shelters today in Corozal.

Caye Caulker
Paul Steel called last evening, Nat and the kids are at Barry and Dixie Bowen's farm, Paul is with the fleet of boats up the New River. He says there are no docks up in San Pedro either. So many beachside places are GONE!

On Caye Caulker Sobre Las Solas, Other Side of the Moon, Popeye's, Oceanside don't know if they can open)

Rainbow Bar and Restaurant. The building broke in two and is in the path in front of the hotel.

( This is down by the main dock) -SandBox is apparently okay and I understand he opened. He lost the sea wall in front and beach, but the building is okay. If you walk down the middle street you would think nothing happened here. Driftwood tour shop on the corner opposite Belly Martinez's is gone, you'll find it in the middle of the street going to the football field, and now it is facing west! The football field is filled with the worst muck and garbage you can imagine. you have to wade thru such muck and horrible stuff. Frenchie's new building on his new dock is GONE! Annie saw it go into the sea. That was some big building. Now most of it is in front of Neil's place, his deli, hardware and home! They won't be able to walk up to their place!!

You can't walk down the front of the Caye, you are in the sea and you have to climb over docks, broken buildings, etc. The entire north end will have no electricity for a long time.

I can't walk to Tom's Hotel!(Tom Young) You have to climb over docks, junk, etc. and then you get to Paolo's house and have to scrutch down and walk under the middle of the house and at that you are mostly in water. When you come out on the south side of the house, you have to be careful since you are in a nest of coconut tree roots which are all exposed. A lot of standing water , a mixture of salt and rain. You can hear the sea pounding in and we still have storm surge. Waves are also breaking under Terry Anderson's house. Tom has no beach to speak of in front of the hotel and a HUGE pile of stuff in front of the hotel.

Aunt Nils (She lives right in front of the school) has a BIG lake in front of her house and it extends right up to the church door. It starts just in back of Terry Anderson's house.

I have no idea what the back is like but from what I could see when walking down the middle street, there is water up the cuzoo! Naturally the back would be flooded too.

Well, its not a pretty picture, Village Council (Fermin) said if they got him the right kind of machines, he could clean the whole Caye, and it would take about two months. I wish I could send the pictures now instead of having to go snail mail when and if mail service is restored. The only usable dock is the back bridge and no planes are coming in and out.

A special thank you to, my ISP, who has kept this site up and running no matter what the load.

Just want to say thanks for your up-to-the minute postings on the hurricane. Up here in Alaska we don't get much tropical air. I am planning a month-long visit to your area; will be flying into to Belize City on Sunday.

Thanks again! Isn't the computer age great, and love the e-mail

Friday 6 pm
The river continues to remain in flood at 22 ft above normal since mid-day. The Mopan has fallen whilst the Macal has risen steadily since 10 AM to-day. At 7 PM the river was level with the bridge at Roaring Creek on the western highway. It is expected that the bridge may become impassable later tonight. Rainfall continues in the west.

Radio reports from Honduras and Nicaragua indicate massive loss of life from flooding. The bay island of J....... (forgot the name) has only two concrete houses left standing.

The beaches don't sound too bad off. Up here in Oregon when you swim at the beach you get a million needles poking into your skin. then you freeze up numb.

Later, when you get out of the water, the needles return briefly then are followed by a burning that eventually goes away.

San Pedro 8:00 pm
I spoke to my dad early this evening and he has an OK to do the first runs of the Thunderbolt tomorrow. Everyone is holding up fine. Water and supplies will become a problem very soon if transportation does not become available.
Julian Rivero

The North Coast and Bay Islands of Honduras have taken Hurricane Mitch's worst punches, with at least 100 thought dead.

The weakening storm could cause more trouble in Central America over the next several days if it moves back out over open water, and flooding remains a problem throughout the region, but it appears that the Caribbean Coast of Guatemala, Belize and Mexico have avoided severe damage from what was once the fourth most-powerful hurricane ever recorded.

As of Friday evening, Mitch's winds had dropped to about 40 miles per hour. The storm remained over the North Coast of Honduras.

The National Hurricane Center in Miami said Friday the storm was centered about 45 miles south of La Ceiba and drifting west-southwest at 3 mph. Maximum winds were around 40 mph, down from 180 mph on Tuesday, but some forecasters say the storm could regain strength over open waters by Monday. Forecasting for this storm has been notably poor, however, according to some observers.

According to some reports, at least 14 have died on the island of Guanaja, one of the Honduras Bay Islands, and most houses were leveled by the storm. As many as 50 people were missing in the city of Comayagua in central Honduras after the Salistroso River swept away 150 houses. In coastal Santa Rosa de Aguan, at least 25 people were thought to be dead due to floods.

No deaths have been reported in Belize.

The death toll in Honduras, where up to 50 inches of rain fell, is likely to rise as more reports come in from areas isolated by swollen rivers, downed telephone lines and closed roads.

Significant property damage is reported on the Honduras Bay Islands and in mainland Honduras. In Belize, the damage has been mostly limited to the loss of docks, a few seafront buildings and beach erosion along the coast and on the cayes. Inland flooding in Cayo and elsewhere was a problem on Thursday and Friday. Beaches on the Placencia peninsula and around Hopkins have had some erosion. Full reports from remote cayes are not yet available.

Residents and visitors on the Caribbean Coast of Guatemala, Belize and Mexico still are waiting to see what Mitch will do, according to live reports via the Internet and telephone and from weather and news services. Some computer models forecast that the seriously weakened storm might move back out to sea, picking up some power over water and make landfall again around Chetumal, Mexico, before moving through the Yucat˝n peninsula. Other observers felt it more likely the storm would dissipate itself in Honduras and Nicaragua.

Unless Mitch regroups and moves out to see as a reborn hurricane, the biggest remaining threat to Belize is flooding from its many rivers and from heavy rains from the remnants of Mitch, which could total an additional 10 to 25 inches.

Belize commuter airlines likely will begin service again over the weekend, weather permitting. International airlines are waiting to see what Mitch may do before bringing in their equipment.
Lan Sluder, Belize First Magazine

Hello Friend,
I believe my subject speaks for itself. It is through Mitch that we are getting to know each other. When I wrote my S.O.S message to the cyber world I was barricaded in my tiny office stressed out, apprehensive, scared, excited, fearful etc. Today I am very relaxed listening to Kenny Rogers and country music. I like country music. I have removed all the imprisoning plywood around my windows, and wood from my doors..

Mitch taught us a lesson. It enable us to seek God, friendship, kindness, solidarity, love, strenght from within, etc. It revealed to us harsh reality. Proverbs were well proven, you name them: "A bird in the bush is worth two in the hand" , "God helps those who help themselves", " Early bird catches the worm", "It is better late than never", "Make hay while the sun shines", " A prepared man has the value of two" etc..

I would like to tell you are welcomed any day you set foot on our soil. I am speaking for all Belizeans who possess a Belizean heart and mind. Come to my village any time. I felt very happy when I received your message. I want to tell you, that we did not see anything of Mitch around our village except the flooded river and a gust of wind which scared the soul of the whole village, after that, it all boiled down to fishing. I believe you know that when the river floods it is easier to catch the bigger fishes. Well, everyone happily went fishing after Mitch. I know that you should visit the Mayan temple in my web page. After you posted my report on your site the massive downpour of strengthening and inspiring messages I received was more than Mitch could handle, thank you.

We were all conscious of the impact and ramifications that a category 5 hurricane would have had on our lives. Hence, it was discussed over and over around the river banks, in the bus, at the bank in town, etc. Plenty of the "refugees" from the islands, coastal towns and villages left the main center of the country,our beloved Cayo District, to their homes. You may take a look at my webpage to know exactly where and what I am speaking about. Hurricane shelters such as churches, schools, community centers were sadly abandoned by their guests. The Belize River. Mopan River and Macal River are flooded but within normal proportions.

A category 5 hurricane would have demolished, destroyed, and devastated our hearts, commumities, country, life, and all that we are and offer to the world. We are a very small country that lives off eco-tourism, orange trees, sugar cane, bananas, rice, vegetables, fruits, fishes, lobsters, marine exports, livestock, and true, real, human hospitality. All of the above are in some way or the other affect by any category of a hurricane. We thank the Lord and all the people who prayed for us. Our hearts are with the people of Honduras. We are at this point assessing damage suffered so as to be able to offer help and assistance to our brothers and sisters in Honduras

Mitch Advisory Number 37a
6:00 pm BT

...Heavy rain and flash flood threat continues over portions of central America...

tropical storm warnings remain in effect for the caribbean coast of Honduras...guatemala...belize...and the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico from Cabo catoche southward...including the offshore islands. Small Craft in the warning areas should remain in port.

At 7 pm EST...0000z...the center of Tropical Storm Mitch was estimated from satellite pictures and surface observations in Honduras to be located near latitude 14.5 north...longitude 87.0 west. This position is over central Honduras about 35 miles...55 km...North-Northeast of tegucigalpa.

Mitch has been moving toward the West-Southwest near 6 mph... 9 km/hr...and this general motion is expected to continue through tonight.

Maximum sustained winds are near 50 mph......85 km/hr...with higher gusts. The Island of roatan off the coast of Honduras reported sustained winds near 45 mph about two hours ago. Slow weakening is forecast.

Tropical storm force winds extend outward up to 200 miles ...325 km...mainly over the water to the north of the center.

The estimated minimum central pressure is 1000 mb...29.53 inches.

Additional rainfall totals of 15 to 25 inches are possible over portions of Honduras and nicaragua...with lesser amounts over portions of belize...guatemala...el Salvador...and the Yucatan Peninsula. These rains could cause life-threatening flash floods and mud slides...especially in association with higher terrain.

Repeating the 7 pm EST position...14.5 n... 87.0 w. Movement toward...West Southwest near 6 mph. Maximum sustained winds... 50 mph. Minimum central pressure...1000 mb.

Just talked to Continental International re their flights. They are planning on resuming regular flights as long as Mitch co operates.
If you must reschedule you have until midnight November 2 and must be returning to home by November 20. If, god forbid, Mitch decides to restart and flights are cancelled, Continental will refund your tickets in full. By the way, if you are in the U.S. and wish to reschedule to another destination it must be an international destination not national.

According to information from several people in the Placencia area, the road is getting very bad as a result of about 5 inches of rain yesterday. The owners of Xcape report that a 25 mile trip on the road yesterday took them 1 1/2 hours. So food and other supplies may take awhile to reach the area. Placencia is getting lots of rain. Some beach erosion. However, the area in general is fine, as are the residents (thank God).

Caye Caulker, 4:50pm
She said the north part of the island going up towards the split is a disaster and is really messed up. Will be receving some pictures, hopefully soon, via the net.

About the elctricity, only the south end has electricity, north end has none. About 4 poles are down. Will be a few days before they are back up.

Monkey River, 4:45pm
Hi there from the surf n' jungle! We at The Monkey House are currently being pelted waves! Looking out to sea I'd say they're running 6 to 7 feet. They have chewed away the front of our shop & are washing out the pillars holding up the section of roof out front of shop. Expect to loose whole front section. The vat beside shop will probable tip & crack - the sea is washing around behind it. To walk in front of the restaurant is to walk in water/waves. The property to the N. of us is slowly losing ground (is that a pun?!) and the lots next to that (N) are in worse shape. Around the bend, at Bob's Paradise, he's getting a break. Although the sea surge is high, he is showing very, very little erosion. He said the water is breaking over his 2nd step up to his house, and it is running under the tiki bar but not washing it out. All else there o.k.. He still has beer & even offered me a couple should I wish to come over. (I thanked him & took a rain check) To the south, in Monkey River Village, the coast is suffering as Sam & I. Looking through my binoculars along the coast, I see that Matt & Roxanne's house will soon go down - tonight if this keeps up. The sea side porch has already collasped. In danger futher up toward the river, I heard (couldn't see because of jungle) that Skytes, Mike & Jan (American's vacation house), & Eloy's houses are taking a beating. Any word when this will stop? I count my blessings we didn't get the waves that San Pedro received but it does seem that we are being destroyed slowly. Of course, if this stops tonight or by tomorrow morning, we will survive. And poor Honduras, they took the brunt of it. I can't even imagine the devestation! I know there will be many of us helping any way we can. The U.S. seems particularly good in giving relief aid. But that is the basic survival stuff. No one can replace the ones killed, or fix the emotion of the people that went thru the terror of it. Will let you know as things change here. E-mail finicky but will eventually get it to go thru at least once a day.

Caye Caulker 4:45pm
I just received my first email from Caye Caulker and I know so far that all are safe, no electricity yet.

I spoke to my sister in law yesterday and she said all the piers were gone and bars or restaurants and dive shops that were up at the beach also.

All other buildings were still standing , but some had damages like zincs flown off the roofs.....

Tropical Storm Mitch
3:30 p.m. Friday afternoon

BEWARE! Belizeans should not write off Storm Mitch yet. While the center of low pressure does not have a good formation. The center itself is now only 10 miles from the north coast of Honduras around the Caratasca Lagoon & Brux Lagoon areas.

Flooding is the immediate danger for Belize from heavy rains. But if the center of low pressure starts to wind up again over open water, we will have another, at least Category 1 Hurricane within 4 days to worry about. Keep that in mind. If you get a chance to stock up with supplies Saturday and Sunday, be sure to do so. Better to be prepared than to be sorry.

Hopkins is cutoff with both bridges north and south out, on the highways.
Ray Auxillou

Mitch Advisory Number 37
3:00 pm BT

...Heavy rain and flash flood threat continues over portion of central America...

tropical storm warnings remain in effect for the caribbean coast of Honduras...guatemala...belize...and the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico from Cabo catoche southward...including the offshore islands. Small Craft in the warning areas should remain in port.

At 4 pm EST...2100z...the center of Tropical Storm Mitch was located near latitude 15.1 north...longitude 86.8 west. This position in inland over Honduras about 45 miles...70 km...south of la Ceiba.

Mitch is drifting toward the West Southwest near 3 mph... 6 km/hr ...And a mostly westward drift is expected for the next 24 hours.

A report from the Island of roatan off the coast of Honduras indicates that maximum sustained winds are near 60 mph... 95 km/hr...with higher gusts. This is higher than stated on the previous advisory...but some weakening is forecast tonight and Saturday.

Tropical storm force winds extend outward up to 200 miles ...325 km...mainly over the water to the north of the center.

The estimated minimum central pressure is 998 mb...29.47 inches.

Additional rainfall totals of 15 to 25 inches are possible over portions of Honduras and nicaragua...with lesser amounts over portions of belize...guatemala...el Salvador...and the Yucatan Peninsula. These rains could cause life-threatening flash floods and mud slides...especially in association with higher terrain.

Repeating the 4 pm EST position...15.1 n... 86.8 w. Movement toward...West Southwest near 3 mph. Maximum sustained winds... 60 mph. Minimum central pressure... 998 mb.

Flood Report
At noon Friday, inputs from the hydro electric dam people out west, Frank Redmond in the western districts and Peter Singfield in the northern areas, report that FLOODING is going to occur over the next few days.

The Mopan River is still rising at noon on Friday and the ground is saturated up north, reports Peter.

The largest coastal town, could be cut off at the highways, as the Flood Peak is expected to travel downriver and hit the coastal community around noon on Saturday and extend through Sunday.

Further rainfall is expected and 15 inches more of rain will play havoc throughout the country. I guess that will cut off the Mennonites from the Western Highway system for a few days. I hope their ferry survives.

Caye Caulker, 3:30pm Fri.
The sprang head bunch have nothing else to do but thief wherever they can. they've been caught, corralled, and "shipped" out. thanks to the asst.super of police over there on san pedro for sending us these new cops who really know how to do their jobs and more. if patti arceo is around, give her my # or e-mail- and my thanks for initiating power from b.e.l.

i'm down at the south end- not in the village, so my wind generators are giving me all the power i need to keep all my lines open. it usually would take me 5 minutes to get to the village, but with the trail out, it takes about half an hour-depending on the crocodiles.

beach front is a mess, but no major damage. piers are, of course, pretty much wiped out, but as far as buildings, all are fine- just a lot of cleaning up to do. lots of sand to move around. ray's property, like everyone's is still there. considering everything, we really lucked out here- just bring 2 brooms instead of one.

to my internet friends, tell them all is well with HAMARUBA

i'll check back in a while- i've got plenty of cleaning to do also


We woke up this morning to a beautiful day. Hot sun dried up the pavement quick time. Then, around 10:00 AM we saw that large black cloud formation coming in from the east -- over Corozal Bay. At 11:00 it burst -- and we shuddered. By 12:00 it finished. Nothing exceptional -- but each time it takes a little longer for the water to drain.

People are all beginning to believe that it is OK to come out!! I feel the real trouble is just around the corner. Just look at the satellite pics!! We have a very heavy load of rain trucking our way. Forcasts are telling us that it will come up the center of Belize -- splitting us into the "Four Kingdoms".

Southern Belize, Western Belize, Belize City and Northern Belize. Already businesses here are hurting. Yet as always -- another 48 hours before we even know when we can get back to work.

Flooding is a very real danger as the ground is saturated and all rain is now run-off.

If the last forecast is accurate, we'll be shopping in Chetumal -- a little more so than is usual.

Ray, the old boat is good for 5 tons -- eh?? Cause that may be the only way to shop in Chetumal come next Tuesday/Wednesday. Also, for those of you on the Northern Islands needing supplies in the near future -- now is the time to contact me for making arrangements. "Tzabcan" is ready to sail, with five tons, to any point.

Further, we have at least 6 more sail boats, same configuration, tied up in the upper lagoons, that can also be put on transport detail. Talk of turning the clock back!!

We can even make the run to Shipyard for chicken, beef, pork, eggs, rice, corn, lumber and many other sundry items. Don't know when regular road transportation will be clear if this sucker hits us!!
Peter Singfield    [email protected]

Punta Gorda Report
The road is covered with seawater out front of our hotel here in Punta Gorda. The road near the Joe Taylor bridge is about a foot under water. But I think that had to do high tide. The water is receding now and no damage that I have heard of.

It sounds like Monkey River is having some rough times. The last report we got though was good, Mitch is dying and could be gone in 24 hours. Of course the reports vary, but I like this one.

Now to focus on those hurting in Honduras. Oh, Barrios, Guat. was having 70mph winds because of the trough that they are in with the Maya Mts and the Mts of Honduras. They were having flooding there. Barrios floods in a drizzle so it is not a surprise. But the wind is new to them. I will write again tomorrow.
God bless, Carol at Sea Port Inn, P.G


I don't know about the cayes, I imagine they had some damage but down here it has only been a lot of rain. Our power hasn't been off and the water is on as well. My phone is working and we have internet as well.

We have had a lot of rain and the road is probably not open to small vehicles because of flooding . This is not that unusual here. The international airport has reopened and we expect the local airlines will be back in service within a couple of days.

Nearly everyone is still evacuated because the road is so bad it is hard to get in. I could not reach anyone in Placencia who might know your friends but as people return in the next few days I will try to get a message to them for you.

Best wishes,
Kerry Goss, Owner of Blue Crab Resort

According to information from several people in the Placencia area, the road is getting very bad as a result of about 5 inches of rain yesterday. The owners of Xcape report that a 25 mile trip on the road yesterday took them 1 1/2 hours. So food and other supplies may take awhile to reach the area.

We've been trying to get a hold of the US embassy in Belize embassy all morning but no luck so far. We have two US residents who form part of our group and one wanted to find out what the possibilities were off getting out of the country and have her stuff sent later when operations are restored.

Been trying to touch base with San Pedro but line keep busy so lots of planning must be going on. It has been raining in Belmopan for the last 3 hours straight and in about half an hour I will be heading to take a look at Roaring Creek.

Hopkins, 10:45 a.m. BT
We just talked to Elmo Nunez of Hopkins Village. He says it is "blowing and raining like crazy" at this time. Yesterday some people returned to Hopkins from Belmopan because the wind died down, but now the floods have started and they will be unable to leave except by boat. The bridge to the north, to Dangriga (near Silk Grass) is out and the bridge to the south on the Hummingbird Highway is also out, so they cannot go north or south. He says everyone there in the village (less than 100 people) is safe, but he is worried about his family still in Belmopan because he can't communicate with them. He fears they will run out of food in Belmopan. The phone service is working fine in Hopkins.

He will be going out to Glover's Atoll for us as soon as it is safe.

If anyone wants to read a site similar to this one for Honduras, where the situation is much worse, you should go to

REALLY NEED INFO ON DANGRIGA, if anyone knows anything...

Caye Caulker, 12:45pm
Caye caulker is fine. just as in san pedro, the beach is preety much of a washout, but everything is fine.

no, we are not under 4 feet of water. everything is fine. there were 135 of us on the caye until the the last bunch left and this island is the safest it's ever been.

The "Fantome", owned by Windjammer Barefoot Cruises, is a 240 ft sailing yacht with 31 people aboard, is still missing. It was on a 6 day cruise through Belize and Honduras' Bay Islands when the storm hit. The boat radioed that it was heading east to avoid the hurricane, and hasn't been heard from since. If anyone knows ANYTHING, please post to this site.

Apparently passengers taken out Tues. on chartered flight. Yhis would leave Capt. Guyan and crew.. approx.30.
I had a report that they were found, and in a port in HOnduras, but since nothing else has turned up to corroborate this, I am trying to recheck this information. Will keep checking, my source has not checked back, I have asked twice in 8 hours but they apparently haven't checked their email.
Will keep checking.


Correction to report that western Highway is flooded near roaring creek. At 6pm thursday the water was 6 ft below the bridge. At 12 noon today friday, the water is 3 ft below the bridge.

In the past we have found that Belmopan area peaks 12 hrs after cayo, and then an additional 12-24 hrs is required for the peak flood to reach the Belize district.

The Macal at the hydro has not risen since 10pm thursday. San Ignacio is affected by both the macal and the Mopan. The Mopan is still rising. Downstream of branchmouth (where the two rivers meet) at 12 noon today we are 22 ft above normal and rising. There is major flooding of farmlands. We have not seen the river this high since 1991. It is therefore likely that the Belize district will be very badly affected by flooding from mid-day tomorrow. If the' weather experts' are correct and we get another 15-25 ins of rain, there will be some serious flood damage.

San Pedro
Walked to town yesterday. Can't walk the beach as all of them are currently gone. Playador has lots of wood and trash in yard....Woody's is a huge mess! The water is up to their porch. Most of the sea walls are gone....the ones that were made of the corrugated material didn't make it. Saw the dog.....beach police were at the Playador keeping anyone out of bldgs. etc. The dog will find something to eat. Take care, you all......we're okay. All piers and dive shops are gone....including the Tackle Box. Barge area by us is history.....good deal! The water has come as far as the intersection by La Margarita. About 2000 of us still on island as there wasn't room in boats and the planes stopped flying early Tues. a.m. Haven't seen Kit. Coconuts has closed and water has gone into entry way. Charlene, Bruce and a group of Gringos are at Banyon Bay. Just talked to some of them and they are enjoying a leisurly cup of coffee and watching the huge breakes take more beach.

The Belizean Reef is in good shape...... Virginia and Ken are in Texas enroute to California until Jan. Amigo's building is still there as of last night but leaning....area behind bldg. is gone. Bz. Reef has a huge part of some dock in the front yard along with a boat that is clear up to the front stairs to the 1st floor verandah. The dock and pier at Ramon's, Sunbreeze, the Palms.....all gone. About 1500 evacuated by boat. Everyone here is doing fine....plenty of supplies for the time being.

Mitch Advisory Number 36a
Statement as of 12:00 pm BT

...Heavy rain and flood threat continues over portions of central America...

tropical storm warnings remain in effect for the caribbean coast of Honduras...guatemala...belize...and the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico from Cabo catoche southward...including the offshore islands. The hurricane watch for belize was discontinued at 10 am EST. Small Craft in the warning areas should remain in port.

At 1 pm EST...1800z...the center of Tropical Storm Mitch was located near latitude 15.3 north...longitude 86.5 west. This position is inland over Honduras about 35 miles...60 km...southeast of la Ceiba.

Mitch is drifting toward the West Southwest near 3 mph...5 km/hr. A slow mostly westward drift is expected for the next 24 hours.

Maximum sustained winds are near 40 mph... 65 km/hr...with higher gusts. Little change in strength is forecast today.

Tropical storm force winds extend outward up to 175 miles ...280 km...mainly over the water to the north of the center.

The estimated minimum central pressure is 997 mb...29.44 inches.

Additonal rainfall totals of 15 to 25 inches are possible over portions of Honduras...nicaragua...with lesser amounts over portions of belize...guatemala...el Salvador...and the Yucatan Peninsula. These rains could cause life-threatening flash floods and mud slides...especially in association with higher terrain.

Repeating the 1 pm EST position...15.3 n... 86.5 w. Movement toward...West Southwest near 3 mph. Maximum sustained winds... 40 mph. Minimum central pressure... 997 mb.

San Pedro 11:45 am Fri
Just got off the phone with Steve from Tropic Air. They landed at the San Pedro Airstrip half an hour ago and from the air he reports that there is absolutely no damages to buildings, it is only the piers and dive shops that were damaged extensively. Vehicles and golf carts are doing fine and certain parts of town remain flooded. Whatever debris was on the airstrip has been cleared and Tropic Air is getting prepared to resume operations once again.

To this point Tropic Air will only carry out one more flight to Belmopan to pick up an emergency relief team and fly them over to San Pedro. Steve pointed out that they had strong winds flying over Orange Walk.

It is drizzling lightly in San Pedro and the winds have picked up to about 25knots from the North East.

Steve will keep us posted as will advise when it is clear for Tropic Air, other airlines and ferries to resume trips back to San Pedro.

Bobs Paradise
Hello to everyone, thought this would be a good way to reach everyone involved with me & Bob's Paradise... either my friends, some new found friends during this thing, and for those who have made inquiries about our facility.

1st, We have made it out of this storm . how i don't know but i'll take the break... unfortunately our neighbor Honduras took the fall for Belize this time..they are wiped out... there banana crop is lost as for many people who have died during this onslaught.....we hope to help if we can...Bob's wife is from Honduras.... she did have one of her sons at our place.....

2nd The storm is still very dangerous in the water it is putting out.. Coordinates N 15* 4. and W 86* 1, @ 40mph bearing from Monkey River @ 110 degrees..... Reported from Bob this am.: water level is high and has actually repaired our beach front... Minor structual damage to Bob's house.....This was NOT caused by the storm ,.....Bob ran out of beer on Tues...Seems his withdrawels prompted some minor tremor in the area..for a few days.. he has since replenished his Belikin and now we can finally take another step backwards. J.L. at the Monkey House is fine a well as the village itself.

3rd. to all of you that i might have kept waiting for a reply to availability of our resort... Sorry but i was pretty sure we were going down for the big one. please lets start up some communication and let's see if we can make some vacation plans for you and yours.
E.J. Belmopan 11:30 BT Fri.
Rec'd word that most people are back home from Belmopan. All praise is due to God for the safety of Belizeans. Our prayers are with our Honduran brothers and sisters. But it is NOT over. Heavy rain may still come to Belize. Belizeans should restock their water and food supply. Bathe, cleanup and prepare for cold rains. Check on the elderly and help your neighbors, especially if they don't have food and you have. Remember if you're uncertain about your water boil it before drinking and watch out for snakes. Don't walk bare- footed

The forecasted line of travel for Mitch is now well to the west of the cayes and on the mainland. 10 am report (in the yellow box to the right) has the storm continuing to weaken, Winds continuing to reduce.

What was the decision and announcements of the Cabinet review this morning? Anybody got anything? They going to let the water taxis start running again? That storm eye is stretched out and elongated, but all the circulation and cloud condensation is still there. I would not write off Mitch yet. The Emergency crews really worked out well for a dry run. At least concerning the Belize and Cayo Districts. Shudder to think of the scenario,if that monster had come ashore Wednesday.

For those who have been asking, Ramons is fine, just lost their pier and dive shop

I'm sitting here watching a video report from Belize City on CNN. I can't believe it! They found us!

I believe someone said, was it Frank Redmond? That the peak flood waters in the Belize river will reach the coast this afternoon sometime. So whatever flooding they have on the exit highways for the port Belize City, should be worse this evening for a few hours.

San Pedro, 10:30 am
Things are about the same in San Pedro., Intermittent rain, storm surge. They continue to do well, but are beginning to run a little short on sugar, rice and beans. They are hoping that flights get cleared into the island today and perhaps some restocking of the necessary staples can occur. There has been a few more arrests for looting since yesterday morning.

The message was that the people remaining on the island are still in good spirits...much more so than those who went to the shelters and want to come home. The San Pedro Lions Club wants to determine what aid they can supply to their Honduran brothers, and are considering sending money and clothes as soon as more of their members return to San Pedro.

The current message is things are fine in San Pedro," we do not need a relief effort at this time"... " Thank everyone for their concern for the people of San Pedro and Belize." "People should send help to our Honduran brothers"

Good news for travellers to San Pedro Ambergris Caye Belize. Other than the lost of piers and some beach erosion, the island remains intact! Although some dive shops sustained damage, the equipment was removed from most of them prior to the storm and dive shop operators intend to resume services as soon as possible.

It is expected that the minor damages will be cleaned up in just a few days and the only reminder of Mitch will be a slightly changed shoreline and the absence of piers. In as little as a week the island will be ready to offer fishing, snorkeling, diving, and just plain old relaxing San Pedro style to its' visitors.

Those with travel plans to San Pedro are informed that they should proceed with their plans as there were no significant damage to buildings and Hotels are making preparations to open as soon as Sunday. International flights into Belize and flights to the island are expected to resume a normal schedule today. Check with your travel agent or directly with the airline and hotel to see if they will be open, then pack the sunscreen and tell your friends you're on your way to San Pedro Ambergris Caye!

Only possible holdup if the weather system continues to weaken is it is possible we run out of fuel for the diesel engines that provide electricity. Food no longer a big issue as the planes can fly in as soon as the Belize City warehouses open.

Mitch Advisory Number 36 9:00 am BT Friday
...Heavy rain threat continues over portions of central America...

tropical storm warnings remain in effect for the caribbean coast of Honduras...guatemala...belize...and the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico from Cabo catoche southward...including the offshore islands. Small Craft in the warning areas should remain in port.

At 10 am EST...1500z...the center of Tropical Storm Mitch was located near latitude 15.3 north...longitude 86.2 west. This position is inland over Honduras about 55 miles...85 km...East- Southeast of la Ceiba.

Mitch is drifting toward the West Southwest near 2 mph...4 km/hr. A slow mostly westward drift is expected for the next 24 hours.

Maximum sustained winds are near 40 mph... 65 km/hr...with higher gusts. Little change in strength is forecast today.

Tropical storm force winds extend outward up to 175 miles ...280 km mainly over the water to the north of the center.

The estimated minimum central pressure is 997 mb...29.44 inches.

Additonal rainfall totals of 15 to 25 inches are possible over portions of Honduras...nicaragua...with lesser amounts over portions of belize...guatemala...el Salvador...and the Yucatan Peninsula. These rains could cause life-threatening flash floods and mud slides.

Repeating the 10 am EST position...15.3 n... 86.2 w. Movement toward...West Southwest near 2 mph. Maximum sustained winds... 40 mph. Minimum central pressure... 997 mb.

Xcalak, Fri am
Thought you might be interested in the following fax I received from Tim Haas, who manages our property in Xcalak, on Friday morning. He makes reference to there being no city electricity but he has a solar system that provides him with some power. The phone line he was using is cellular.

"Message: No reason to believe that Cielos Azules (our house) suffered more than minor damage. The new road flooded but held. The beach road is covered with trash, logs and conch. It may take some time to clear the 10 km out to Cielos.

We returned late Thursday. There was very little damage on land. All piers in town were severely damaged or completely destroyed. There is no city electricity but there was no water damage in my house (in town.) I had moved my boats into the river and I don't know yet how they held. Your boat is OK behind Sylvia's.

The weather is still bad."

Just heard from Armando Graniel Jr. on the island, "We are all fine and the only damaged done to the island is the destruction of all the piers. No houses were blown away or destroyed and no one was injured.

Thank you all for praying for us."

Things are looking up for us. Mitch is now a tropical storm with the eye over land in Honduras. You may know that, but it bears repeating. Things should start to return to normal -- whatever that is -- by tomorrow as people begin to return to their homes. Cayo has been the principal center for coastal refugees. I went to a shelter today and interviewed a few people. Those in charge were very busy handing out clothing and such. I know them and will interview and consolidate a nice article on the relief efforts here. I also know people in Placencia, Hopkins, Dangriga and San Pedro and will get their stories as well.

The Mennonites have been bringing in food from Spanish Lookout, though how they have been crossing the Belize River (I believe at their ferry is downstream of the confluence of the Macal and Mopan), I can't imagine. I have a coworker on the paper who is a Mennonite and I'll see if she can get detailed info.

Roaring Creek has flooded the Western Highway near the intersection of the Hummingbird Highway turnoff which will impede traffic returning to the big city. We had a decent little wind and rainstorm today. But I am hopeful that that will be it and the river will recede soon. The new, little bridge used to span our towns is way flooded, but the Hawkesworth (the old, high bridge which has been closed for repairs) is open. Still, going from my home in Sta. Elena to San Ignacio is a major traffic snafu requiring at least twenty minutes to get across. And Belizean drivers are in a class unto themselves -- that's as kind as I can be.

If things continue as they have been, we can thank God that we were spared what looked like a killer of a storm.

San Pedro 9:30am BT
Weather is rainy with some wind.. Waves are rough and appear to be continuing in that direction...

Heard a rumor they are still trying to evacuate people off the island.. but they are refusing. They figured if they made it this long.. Know some locals who are trying to return. Concerned about looting.

I have been in touch with Elbert Greer this week. He and friend, Beto, left Ambergris Caye Monday morning at dawn and went to Orange Walk. It was a rough ride but they are safe and with others waiting it out. Elbert called this morning to say they are going to venture back to the island. The river is high and he is confident they will have a safe journey.

Caye Caulker, 9:15 am BT
Just hung up with Ken St Jean on Caye Caulker. No major destruction. No houses down. Most , not all piers are gone. His pier on south end is still standing, or rolling to the water. Tell Casey from hardware store, he is in good shape. Tell those poeple looking for Ross Creek, Chris Cross, they left before the women and children!!

Orlando is fine, partying at I and I. South end is not accessible, except thru the old trail now a river, with matchettes for the crocodiles and mangroves.

Food is a problem, Ken seems really worn out, but glad he stayed to ward off possible looting and not to be locked in a shelter. He is geeting his e mail back up

Good news for divers, though the dive shops sustained damage, the equipment was removed from most of them prior to the storm. This island is far from ""WIPED OUT." Lost a few piers, some beach erosion, but you can certainly dive and fish and relax on the beach without piers. There are still docks intact enough to load up folks for diving and the various delightful trips that are based from the island. So all of you with reservations to come and visit, some hotels are planning on reopening on Sunday at this time, there has been NO substantial damage to buildings or property. So keep packing the sunscreen and check back for updates. Its looking better all the time.

FRIDAY 7:15 a.m. BT
Dianes husband Marlon still cannot reach their house on the beach front in Dangriga. The water level is still high and reaches to a block inland behind their house.

Caye Caulker
No one has been able to telephone Caye Caulker since Monday last. The phone system is dead. The Village Council were supposedly holding a 24 phone village emergency communication at their office. Telephone 011 501 222043

John Marin's phone, my neighbor behind me is at 011 501 222149 from the USA.

Tried both numbers but cannot get through to get any updates on the property or conditions since last Monday.

Perhaps someone knows a Police contact at Belmopan Police Department and they can contact the police station on Caye Caulker by radio. I understand that is working and get an update. Interested in my property and stuff and Wendy's trailer, etc. next to the park.

Mitch Advisory Number 35a
7:00 am EST Fri.

...Mitch remains inland over northern Honduras...heavy rain threat continues...

tropical storm warnings remain in effect for the caribbean coast of Honduras...guatemala...belize...and the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico from Cabo catoche southward...including the offshore islands.

A hurricane watch is also in effect for the coast of belize. Small Craft in these areas should remain in port.

At 7 am EST...1200z...the center of Tropical Storm Mitch was located near latitude 15.4 north...longitude 86.1 west or about 50 miles ...X90 km...xx East-Southeast of la Ceiba Honduras.

Mitch has moved little over the the past several hours and little overall motion is likely the remainder of this morning. Mitch is expected to begin moving in a slow general westward direction later today.

Maximum sustained winds are near 40 mph... 65 km/hr... with higher gusts. Some further weakening is possible while the center of Mitch remains over land...but the storm could re-intensify if the center emerges from the coast.

Tropical storm force winds extend outward up to 175 miles ...280 km from the center...mainly over water.

The estimated minimum central pressure is 997 mb...29.44 inches.

Additional rainfall totals of 15 to 25 inches...with locally higher amounts...are possible over the mountains of Honduras and other parts of central America. These rains could cause life-threatening flash floods and mud slides.

Coastal flooding due to strong onshore winds and waves continues over portions of the tropical storm warning area.

Repeating the 7 am EST position...15.4 n... 86.1 w. Movement... nearly stationary. Maximum sustained winds... 40 mph. Minimum central pressure... 997 mb.

At 6 am fri, the west is very wet, with low lands flooded from the swollen rivers. The hydro company reported that the river stopped rising early this morning. San Ignacio could then expect the river to peak by 10 am today, The Belmopan area at midnight tonight, and the Belize district tomorrow. The weather bureau is forecasting further heavy rain this weekend, and hopefully all rivers will have gone down before this additional rain arrives or we could see flooding like never before.

Belize River near Ladyville Parts of the northern hwy between haulover bridge and bella vista are flooding and closed to car traffic only high trucks can pass/ parts of north side of city flooding/ wind is from the north about 15-25 mph and blowing water into the city/ south side not so bad as water is being siphoned off to the south by the north wind/ some banks were open a few hrs this afternoon/ also some small stores/ most chinese shops opened first/ belize river continues to rise but i have seen it higher

BELMOPAN, Belize (Reuters) - Hurricane Mitch has cast a rare spotlight on the tiny Central American country of Belize. ``The bad news is the hurricane,'' said Paul Hunt, a Belizean tourism consultant. ``The good news is that people will know we are here now.'' Hurricane Mitch, which on Monday became the fourth most powerful Atlantic storm on record, weakened considerably by Thursday but still posed a threat to Belize's Caribbean coast. The storm pounded neighboring Honduras and killed at least 24 people throughout the Caribbean basin. Belize, geographically about the same size as Israel, has a racially mixed population of 200,000 blacks, whites, Hispanics,Indians and Asians. English is the official language of the former British colony of British Honduras which gained independence in 1981,although Spanish is commonly spoken as its borders Mexico,Guatemala and Honduras. The country was remarkably well prepared for the hurricane.The waterfront city of Belize City, the country's largest with a population of 70,000, was a virtual ghost town as many people took refuge inland, invading the capital Belmopan. Belize City was twice destroyed by hurricanes this century.After the last time in 1961, when virtually the entire city was under water from a tidal wave, Britain moved the capital to Belmopan, 50 miles inland. Belmopan, which does not have a single traffic light, was teeming this week after the exodus from Belize City. Every hotelroom was packed, many with entire families, and the streets were choked with cars and pedestrians. ``It is a little like Christmas here in Belmopan,'' said Michael Finnigan, a member of parliament from Belize City. Belize depends greatly on tourism with about 100,000 visitors a year drawn to its spectacular barrier reef, hundreds of Mayan ruins and abundant tropical rainforest. But unlike Mexico's nearby resort of Cancun, which takes in two million visitors a year, Belize is not overrun by huge hotels, restaurant chains and discos. Belize's problems with identity were highlighted during television coverage of the hurricane, when a US cable network erroneously described Mexico's southern border with Honduras --Belize and a sliver of Guatemala lie between the two countries. ``That typifies the problem we have with identification,''said Hunt. ``With a population of 200,000, we don't have a lot of money to tell people who we are.''

A friend is in contact with caye caulker islanders and they told him, that all docks are damaged, the rainbow-restaurant is damaged and some parts of the island are under water, but not the whole island. He told me also that there are no very strong damages at the island. manuel and conchita marin (frenchie's uncle) remained on the island along with many others. it appears there is damage from high surf but no injuries.

Chan Chich email is [email protected].

We talked to Hopkins yesterday and will do so again tomorrow. Everything sounded fine and pretty low-key there. Many residents went to Belmopan, but many also stayed. they did not sound particularly worried.

We run kayak trips at Glover's Reef and are closely monitoring the storm to see when we can send someone back out there to see what is left. Any news on the atolls or southern cayes would be appreciated.

Lucy Wallingford
Slickrock Adventures
[email protected]

Mitch Advisory Number 34a
12:00 am BT

...Mitch inland over northern Honduras...moving little...

tropical storm warnings are in effect for the caribbean coast of Honduras...guatemala...belize...and the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico from Cabo catoche southward...including the offshore islands. A hurricane watch is also in effect for the coast of belize. Small Craft in these areas should remain in port.

At 1 am EST...0600z...the center of Tropical Storm Mitch was located near latitude 15.4 north...longitude 85.7 west or about 80 miles... 125 km...southest of la Ceiba Honduras.

Mitch has moved little over the past several hours and little motion is likely through tonight and early Friday.

Maximum sustained winds have decreased to near 50 mph... 85 km/hr... with higher gusts. Weakening is likely while the center of Mitch remains over land...but the storm could re-intensify if the center emerges from the coast.

Tropical storm force winds extend outward up to 175 miles...280 km from the center...mainly over water.

The estimated minimum central pressure is 995 mb...29.38 inches.

Additional rainfall totals of 15 to 25 inches...with locally higher amounts...are possible over the mountains of Honduras and other parts of central America. These rains could cause life-threatening flash floods and mud slides.

Coastal flooding due to strong onshore winds and waves continues over portions of the tropical storm warning area.

Repeating the 1 am EST position...15.4 n... 85.7 w. Movement... nearly stationary. Maximum sustained winds... 50 mph. Minimum central pressure... 995 mb.

almost all of the models predict a West-Northwest to northwestward motion developing almost immediately...

This is in 10pm forecast, they keep saying this, but it hasn't happened yet. If it doesn't soon, it will burn itself out in the next 24 hours over Honduras. But all models predict in next 12-18 hours an immediate swing to NW. Let's hope they continue to be wrong.

They say for Gunaja, Honduras, there's a 99% chance the hurricane will be within 65 miles at some point in the next 24 hours. And that there is only a one percent chance it will be there in the following 24 hours. Radical projection for a hurricane that basically hasn't moved in 2 days.

For those interested in up-to-date local conditions in the Cayman Islands, Honduras, Jamaica and Cancun go to:

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