People Locator

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Current Reports
Relief Efforts
People Locator

There are many folks who are calling and emailing, trying to find people and where they are. Folks are emailing and calling from all over, and we are trying to match families and friends. There have been no human disasters, everyone is safe on the island as of this time. If you have information to add, please click here. I am able to be telephoned at USA 541-686-0277 or 541-686-9209.
We are getting contributions from folks all over, but I would like to give special thanks to Jorge Varela, Julian Rivero, Susan Garcia, and Ray Auxillou for their incredible abilities to dig up the details that make this site so special.

If you have knowledge of people's whereabouts, it would be awesome if you could check out the regular Ambergris Caye Message Board, where a lot of folks have expressed their concerns over missing loved ones.

Through the kindness of Gamarugu, I am sending this message in the hope that you may be able to contact a radio station in Honduras as to the whereabouts of my brother Jeff Dawson. All I know, is that Jeff told us he got a job on a boat which was going to Rotan or Rothan I am not aware of the proper spelling, but I think Rothan is in Honduras. If you can contact a radio station down there, could you please ask them to announce Jeff Dawson to please contact his family in Belize. My dad and brother and whole family are worried over him we have not heard anything from Jeff since he left for Rothan one week before Mitch hit Honduras. Please ask Jeff to send a message to the Belize Radio Station so that we may know he is well. Thanks very much.
From Aurelia Dawson, Marlon Dawson and Dad.

Does anyone have the address of Martha Badillo who I believe is living in Norway. She is San Pedrana and I would love to get back in touch with her. she is Mellie Badillo's sister and aunt to Lupe, Ramoncito and Antonio Calderon.
Yolanda Torres    [email protected]

Anyone seen Richie Woods around San Pedro Town since the storm? Looking for a friend of a friend who runs/works at a dive shop in San Pedro (I think). Canadian fellow by the name of Derek Angele. Any info appreciated.
sal mazzullo    [email protected]
passed Richie Woods early after hurricane, maybe the Thursday after- he is alive and moving

Shawn     [email protected]

Does anyone know the whereabouts of Ken Wagner and his 2 sons, Jason & Joshua? He would be at Caye Caulker, San Pedro, or Ambergris Caye, Belize. If you have any information please contact me at [email protected] or have him get in touch with his sister, Karen Leita in New Mexico, USA.

Roly Bertrand would like to leave a message for Pete to call him. (613)722-2220.
Anne Beard

My brother, Bill Kenney, wife, Gina and three sons moved to Belize this past summer. They had a boat they were going to fix up and sail from port to port. The boat was in need of repair so I don't know if it was even sea worthy yet. I am grasping for straws here, I really don't know anything else of where they might be or even where they have been. I'm hoping that if they have access to the internet, they might see my message.
Lenore Warden    [email protected]

Does anyone know something about the well being of Chriss Roggema, his wif Destiny and trheir two baby sons. They live on caye caulker. Please send a mail to:     [email protected] Iris Roggema

I am looking for information on Tim and Tina Callanan, building a home on Ambergris. Tim's mother would like some information. Last she heard they had evacuated the island. Post to message board or e-mail me Glad to hear such good news on island.

Joan Keenan
[email protected]

Tim Callanan called his mother today. He is back at Ambergris Caye and his wife is safe in Texas.

To: Jean Pierre Miron (canadian Pete) He has a business in San Pedro. He is asked to call Roly Bertrand at (613) 722-2220.

We are trying to locate our daughter and son-in-law, Kristina and Tom KING, who are living on Caye Caulker as of 10/16. We heard from them last Monday, 10/26. They were moving "inland 70 miles". We have not heard anything since and are concerned. Any help would be appreciated. Sincerely,
Thomas Brophy
Montrose Elementary School
[email protected]

Bob & Sue Sharpe were in the Fiesta Hotel until yesterday (when they vanished without a trace!), but I feel quite sure that they're okay. I know that many people are trying to discern the whereabouts of Kathy and Dawn of Belize Diving Services on Caulker -- if you get word, give me a shout, eh? Sincerely Yours, Doug Burns    [email protected]
They straggled into Austin, TX, late last night, putting to rest the question of their location (they had, in fact, remained holed up in the Fiesta Hotel, although the staff there denied their presence).

I am looking for Santiago Acosta
No. 13 Barrier Reef
San Pedro A.C.
Please email me with information. We are dear friends and concerned.
email: [email protected] (Dottie and Russell Gilbert)

Does anyone know if Jim and Jean Quincy got off Ambergris Caye. They are building a new home south of San Pedro. Hope they and everyone else there come through this big blow ok !
Apparently Quincy and Jean took the boat (along with a captain) to Corozol several days ago. They may have gone on to Mexico...overland. As far as Quincy's partner, Jim, knows, they are safe.

Hope Paisano is safe and sound somewhere. He is an institution in San Pedro.
Paisano was seen yesterday walking around town trying to sell on of the huge Japanese glass fishing floats. Everyone still on the island (2000) will take care of Paisano.

Seeking Vicky Showler
Vicky lives on San Pedro..have not been able to contact her by telephone. Other contact would be Landy Trejo
Thank You.
Therese B Showler    [email protected]

Does anyone know where the RICHARDS family of Corozol is ? (Nathan & Margareth RICHARDS)
Courtney Richards    [email protected]

Carol at the Seafront Inn in Punta Gorda reports that Will Mahea at TIDES and Will Hamon at the Nature Conservancy are fine.

I have been in touch with Elbert Greer this week. He and friend, Beto, left Ambergris Caye Monday morning at dawn and went to Orange Walk. It was a rough ride but they are safe and with others waiting it out. Elbert called this morning to say they are going to venture back to the island. The river is high and he is confident they will have a safe journey.

My wife and I were on Ambergris Caye till last Monday and are very concerned about some of our friends. ....first of all Dr. Downs, Jeff and Renee Searsland, and all the staff and students at St Matthews University.... ......also Cheffe and all the staff at Banyan Bay.. ........a great group of people who made our stay so pleasant......and finally Margret and Albert Gill and all the staff at Rasta Pasta... are all of them and are they surviving... there anything we can do........we loved it there and hope to return in the future.........keep us posted...... Larry and Dolores Messner    [email protected]

Dennis, let us know how you and your family have fared in the hurricane. I'm the husband of Sue Wolfe, your cousin in California. We visited you back in '92... Would like to hear from you. Take care. (Anyone who knows Dennis and is reading this, please pass this message on. I dont know if Dennis has access to the Internet or not. Dennis, Dulce & kids left on Monday and are staying with friends in Belmopan.

If anyone has seen or heard from Isolene & Basil Brannon of Ladyville and Edith Robateau of Belize City from Rahburn Alley near North Front street. Please if any one has heard from them let me know. Edward (Jimmy) Robateau the father of Isolene and son of Edith has tried endlessly to reach them.

I live on Caye Caulker and do know that two of my friends- Uncle Louie Reyes and Adler Castello are partying safely at San Ignacio Hotel. Please add them to your list so others may know that they are OK. P

lease, if you know, let us know about the whereabouts and safety of our dear friends: Family of Floriento Gonzalez (San Pedranon Hotel); Geraldo Badillo and family, Jim Jonmohammed and Jamilia (old Royal Palm Hotel).

Please pass along our concern and love to the Badillio and Gonzalez families.
Tom and Gerrie Ray
Jim and Jamilla Mohammed are here. Jim is manning the hurricane center along with Patty Arceo and other volunteers. Tex and Niesje are here.. couldn't evcuate as space was limited on the planes and boats. Jim Scott is on the mainland.

We are looking for any information on Herman Rameriez, living in San Pedro. He worked with Elito Arceo, on Elito's boat when we were there in January and became very special to us. We trust that he is safe. Any information would be greatly appreciated - [email protected]. From his Canadian friends Reid, Susan and Marguerite
Herman is safe and sound in Bomba. He went back yesterday to the island to check stuff, all was OK so he went back to Bomba.

Communications with
Windjammer Barefoot Cruises‰
Flagship S/V Fantome Remain Out

--Massive Coordinated Search Efforts Underway

MIAMI BEACH, FLA š Representatives of Miami Beach based Windjammer Barefoot Cruises, Ltd. have been unable to reestablish communications with its flagship, the 282-foot four-masted schooner S/V Fantome. The cruise line lost contact with the ship late Tuesday (October 27) afternoon as Hurricane Mitch approached its position off the coast of Honduras.

The ship, with a crew of 31, was attempting to skirt the lower reaches of the storm after dropping off its 100 passengers in Belize on Monday. She was heading on a course of 085 degrees (easterly) about 10 miles South of the island of Guanaja off the Honduran Coast (16.14N 86.04 W) when the onboard satellite telephone ceased functioning. She has not been heard from since.

The U.S. Coast Guard and numerous private aircraft chartered by Windjammer have been searching the area since late Friday but have been hampered by the remnants of Hurricane Mitch. Two C-130 U.S. Coast Guard search planes today searched an area directly north of the Honduran coast while the private search planes searched area further east and along the Nicaraguan "Mosquito Coast." Should the ship not be located, plans are to search along the Belize coast and along the Mexican Yucatan Peninsula. The U.S. Coast Guard has issued a navigation Alert requesting all ships in the vicinity to keep a lookout for Fantome in conjunction with AMVER international agreements.

Additionally, the Honduran Navy has offered assistance as well as the British Navy which has a ship in the area, the HMS Sheffield.

The Jamaican Coast Guard has advised their vessels to maintain a watch while patrolling and the Grand Cayman Airport has requested all air planes heading in the general area to maintain a lookout for the vessel.

"We‰re anxious to hear from her, " said Michael Burke, Jr., President of Operations for Windjammer. "A 24 hour a day command center has been established, led by a retired U.S. Coast Commander experienced in search and rescue missions. In addition, the ship is equipped with the latest in EPIRB (Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon) technology. This would allow the crew to send a satellite signal if they were in distress. So far, a signal has not been received," concluded Burke.

The weather in the area continues to improve as the remnants of Mitch move across Central America into the Pacific, allowing for better search conditions. Family of the crew are being apprised of search progress.

I have been going over the reports and trying to put myself in the Captain's place. He would have done the correct course of action from the National Weather Bureau reports coming out of the USA. Which is go eastward. The reports were always saying the Hurricane would curve north and north west. Since he went to sea and headed east in Honduras after dropping his passengers, his actions were correct and logical with the marine weather information he was getting. This should have put him going across the weakest part of the Hurricane on the South side, with a tail wind to help him along. And the storm pulling northwest away from him. What he did not know, was that the Hurricane Center out of the USA, kept insistantly giving weather track reports that were 180 degrees opposite to what the storm was actually doing. They were 100% wrong for over 5 days.

Each day, I would marvel how they could ignore what the satellite photos would show. The captain would have only had these radio reports and his actions show he thought he was doing the right thing, according to what the Hurricane National Weather Bureau was saying out of the USA. He couldn't know, they were sending him directly into the approaching eye of the Hurricane with 185 mph steady winds and 200+ mph gusts with those false reports and track forecasts.

I doubt any ship would have survived those seas and winds. Be happy to hear they did, but doubt it very much. No amount of engine would hold you against those tremendous waves and winds. Probably find wreckage on the coast someday. The loss if it occurred and the lives of those 31 people would be directly the responsibility of the Hurricane Center reports. I hope they have survived, but doubt it.

I use computer software forecasting in my own work daily, for investments and it is certainly highly seductive to follow the forecast projections from some complicated neural network software. They look so legitimate. But sad to say, I have lost considerable money by doing so. Nowadays, I ignore such stuff and go back to simple things. The same software is applied to Hurricane tracking programs. You just cannot believe that stuff. The more inputs you have to put in and variables, the more unreliable the answers are. When data is constant, like a Hurricane crossing the Atlantic Ocean, it would work fine, but when you get involved with land masses, the variables would get to big. It puzzled me all week, that they would rely on computer projection software, when anybody, including me, could simply look at the satellite cloud cover photograph and the GEOS-8 infra red satellite and know they were wrong. Absolutely 100% wrong.

If that ship is gone and the 31 people aboard it. It is directly the responsibility of those false Hurricane Reports. You can ignore, one or two mistakes, but 5 days repetition of it is inexcusable.
Ray Auxillou

Attn All hotels on the net in the Cayo: do you have a party of 2 from Canada named ADAMSON & HINCHLIFFE ?
Please respond to:     [email protected]

I am looking for the following people in San Pedro:
Mata Rocks-Terry Anderson and Liz Cechini
Cory and Janet McDermott
Rasta Pasta- Albert and Maralyn Gill
Mannie Nunez and family
Any info on the whereabouts of these people would be greatly appreciated
Pete VonBank (Playa Blanca) just returned from San Pedro on Mon and is worried
Let all of these people know Dave, Toni, Amber and Jacy McIntosh of Minnesota are praying for them, if they can get in contact, the email is   [email protected]
hang in there, you're very brave people!
Terry and Liz are in Vancouver, Susan talked to Maralyn Monday morning. They were flying out and going to Ian Anderson's and plann to stay in the caves.

We were scheduled to arrive in San Pedro Wed. Oct. 28 for our annual dive trip with our friends at Amigos del Mar. We are disappointed with our plans being postponed - but our main concerns are for our friends. If anyone sees or hears from Melanie or Chonga Paz or Miguel (Sabos) Rivera please tell them that our thoughts and prayers are with them - and that we want them to contact us for any assistance we might give. John Hodges    [email protected]

Does anyone have any information regarding the people at and/or the condition of Victoria House? I have friends there, please let me know! KKin Corpus ([email protected])

I'm looking for Anna & Clareburth Reneau, they left two days ago for Belmopan/Rolling Creek area. The should be with Louis & Delvarine Reneau and Dazel & Eleanor Valentine. Please if anyone knows their whereabouts let me know. Their daughters are very worried because they have not heard from them. Thank You,
Sheila     [email protected]

Niesje Province, San Pedro Representative to the U.S. Embassy, along with her husband Tex, and former San Pedro Sun owners/editors Bruce and Victoria - will be answering the people locator requests until they get disconnected from BTL.

Just a quick message to let you know that I, Debbie Stewart, a St. Matthews student, left Belize City on the US Embassy evacuation flight to Miami on Tuesday with Yvonne and Mike Patterson. We arrived safely in Miami, Florida and then flew on to Houston in the evening. [email protected]

charlie and estelle worthington
we left san pedro about a month ago, having renewed our friendship with these folks who operate -at least estelle does- ESTELLES DINE BY THE SEA . given their proximity to the beach were concerned about how theyre getting along....knowing how charlie thinks, it would take a cargo container and a lot of time to get him to load up his music archives and the electronics and leave---im assuming they stayed put.

any reply as to their status- also harry, artie ,hillyboo,his brother would be appreciated. steve and linda thomas, dublin ohio.   [email protected]
Saw Mark and Charles Jr. along with Estelle at the strip getting ready to board airplane, not sure if they made it out. Have not seen Charles Sr. in quite some time now.

Any information about Kevin Gonzalez and family?Are they still in San Pedro? Dion Ramclam   [email protected]

We here in Kalamazoo Michigan, Minneapolis and Vancouver have many close friends on Caye Caulker, and apparently they are still on the island. The Tom Young family in particular is giving us cause for great worry. Since phone and email was cut off on Tuesday we have all been desperately worried. Any news you can give, or direction you can point me in to find current direction will be greatly appreciated.
Fran Dwight
[email protected]
Would like her to know that I think all of Tom's Young family are safe. My friend that emailed me stayed with them.

Cliff and Linda Kirk made it to FL and are staying with Lily.

I saw Jesse Cope and Tim Jeffers- Both of them are here in San Pedro. A group from Coconuts is staying at Banyan Bay. Kathy and baby went to Wyoming. Jesse Cope is here and also staying at Banyan Bay. All is well, so far!

I have relatives in Belize so am monitoring situation here in the UK to pass on to my mother and her sisters who live here. My grandfather is Edgar Gegg who lives on Eve Street in Belize City - I don't expect that you would be able to contact them but if by chance you come across the Gegg family, tell them the UK branch of the family is thinking of them.
Andrew Wigmore [email protected]

A message from Germany: Appreciate information on tourists that have been evacuated from Little Water Caye to Placencia on Monday: Mrs. Gerlich and Mrs. Gruber from Austria. Mr. and Mrs Neumann and Mr. and Mrs Bayer from Germany. After they arrived in Placencia they might have been traveled on by bus or plane. Send info please to [email protected]

Any information on my brother Charlie and family would be appreciated.
Chrissy Worthington [email protected]

anyone need to contact anyone in the San Igacio area i would be happy to do so , Bob Jones Evas resturant
[email protected]

At the royal palms hotel by banyan bay. Aned orbezo-linzi Anid Shields Tom Ickes Mark Taylor and steve hammer at the police station helping with the wounded. Dr. Downs the syrslands the Rosales' the Barnets the lavorsky's they are all in the same place. The families are in the same area as the 4 students. steve is helping with the wounded

Changa left yesterday with a his and another group of boats heading to Orange Walk - would assume he made it no problem.

Having watched the web, and amateur radio reports, over the past 2 Days things might seem to be improving, one of the items that I have observed are the decayed storm on the Pacific coast that could be collected by Mitch?, and as prior reports state ( from actual experience by local residents during Hattie ) might be considered.

The 8 ball in the corner pocket are not always a sure thing. This is considering that Mitch disbands at the Honduras / Guatemala border area.

I am concernde about my two sisters and their families, Lorraine Broaster and Phyllis Cutkelvin. Thet were leaving to go to Hattieville and I would like to know if they are ok.

I live in the US, and I wanted to know if my family in Belmopan are ok. Family name Briceno, Ramona Rabateau (sister). Please contact me with any information.
Thank you, Silvino Briceno [email protected]

Does anyone know the status of George Eiley or Melanie and Chonga? I don't see anything about either of them. Our prayers are with you. We hope to return to the island soon.     Jeff and Marcia Rohr
I am trying to get any information I can on the safety and condition of Grant Crimmims and his family ( the diving instructor for the Amigos Del Mar dive shop on San Pedro ) and also his wifes family the Paz's of the Tomas Hotel and also other members of the family. I would be obliged if anyone knows how they are if they would email me or ask them to call Orlando, Florida areacode 407-673-2196.    Ned Kelly ([email protected])
I know Melanie Paz and family are at her mom's or either Cayo. Tried to get a hold of Grant no luck.

My name is Bill Holford and I am tring to find my friend Dave Morris who ownes Manatee Shores (The Shores) near Gales Point. Has anyone heard from Dave or what it is like around Gales Point? Contact me at [email protected].
Thanks, Bill

I heard Nadia and Phillipe from Mata Chica were taking their boats over to Corozal Bay and were to hang out there. They took our caretaker, Teo, and our 2 dogs and 2 cats. Kevin went on a flotilla of Paul and Natalie's boats to the same area. I heard from Kevin's sister in Austin tonite who says that Kev called and is OK. i figure all the catamarans are rafted together.

Does anyone know if the following people on Caye Caulker are OK: Chris Cross (of One Love Taxi fame) and Marta and Orlando from Loraine Guest House, and Ras Creek.
Janie, [email protected]
Chris Cross and Ross Creek left the island safely I hear... Orlando is fine, partying at I and I

also, practically no news from Dandriga. spoke with someone there at 2 pm yesterday (Tuesday) and then the phones went out. last word i had was that some of the bridges were out on the Hummingbird Highway.

also, any word from Bay Island Resort on Roatan? there is a 12 year old kid at West End, Roatan named Joseph Bodden that i am worried about.

let me know what i can do to help. i go to Belize twice a year and i love the country and the people. 615-226-8229.

Please tell Henry and Mary Beissner and kids that all the Browns are praying for them and watching this sight.

Have you heard anything about the two women who run the Belize Diving Center on Caye Caulker? One is named Dianne; I can't remember the name of the other one, who was quite ill when I last saw her (Monday). At that time, I started an I.V. on her and gave her a couple of fluid boluses, plus some IV antiemetics and such -- she was too weak to move herself around, and probably needed to be evacuated to a medical facility.

Also, any word on the condition of (new, big, pink, by the soccer field) Iguana Reef Inn. I know that the guys will be frantic to know if it's okay, and I wouldn't mind hearing that our gear was possibly still there.
Douglas D. H. Burns [email protected]

Seeking news of Mike and Joyce (Brock) SMITH Last name: Smith, retired. Thanks for your efforts. [email protected]

I am still looking for my friend's son....David Begin who was on the Ambergris Caye island. Gwen, [email protected]

Hello I'am trying to locate my boyfriend Shanon Arzu. I'am very worried if you find anything out please let me know. Thanks, Sara Hall, Ohio [email protected]. He lives in Hopkins Village. He works in Mango Creek, I'm not sure for who because he just started the job and I've been in the states for a while. Did everyone evacuate from Hopkins?

anyone know how tery Love faired thru the he still at royal palm
Terry is well and busy working on cleanup efforts --will pass on the query.

A lifelong friend of mine named Bob Gates was washed off a catamaran he was crewing on Monday afternoon between Ambergris and Xcalak. He had been presumed drowned but the latest info I have is that he was inside the reef and was wearing a life jacket. It is remotely possible that he could have survived and be washed ashore near there. I would appreciate any info that anyone might have, or knowledge of any search efforts.
I called San Pedro to check on the report described below. Nellie and Einor are quite certain that if this unfortunate calamity occurred, it was not anywhere around San Pedro. The only catamarans in town are the TMM boats, and none of them are out nor would they be permitted to be taken out in this kind of weather. They did hear something on a Chetumal station of three drownings in Chetumal..two fishermen and one tourist, off of boats. I recall seeing a TV report mentioning a tourist drowning in the water near Cancun. I wonder if either of those incidents might be your friend.

You might try calling the US consul in Cancun or logging on to one of the Cancun web sites (I know there must be some but I don't know what they are.) You might also want to call someone from the Mexican or US media to see if they can track down the info re these drownings and find out the names of the people involved. I hope neither is your friend, and that he is found alive and well.

Second response:
Bad news. ABC and AP wire reports it as a death. At noon today, I called ABC Houston affiliate and they confirmed the newswire. Try calling ABC to see if there has been any retractions.

PLEASE POST for Einer Gomez (or if you speak with him give him this message):

Immediate contact is not necessary, but the Tolles family is extremely worried about the staff of Ramon's and friends on San Pedro; namely Ramon Nunez, Einer Gomez, Amy, Rubin and Raul Delgado, and Patojo and Sabrina Paz (David tut and John Paul Saldivar). please do not hesitate to call collect or request any supplies Our number is 203-869-3311. We are willing to help and support you however we can. We love you and miss you and you are especially in our prayers. You have helped us in the past and all we can do is repay the favor.
Clarke, Peggy, Chrissy, and Carrie Tolles

Anthony Kuylen and family are stayiny in their new house 4 miles west of Dangriga. Marjorie, Joanna, Joe, Terrisita and families together with the Rosado family are staying at a farm (Channona) at mile 30 southern highway. Radio contact through me is possible if required.

Does anyone know the whereabouts of Eduardo Brown Sr. and his family, Lupita, Diado, Ramon, etc... Also do they know where Pete Salazar SR. and Jr? ARE?

my thoughts and prayers are with you, and everyone else that may be affected by what is happening right now.

hang on in there...
please put on the net my prayers for the jimenez (and related surnames that i don't know the surnames of, yet family (caye caulker branch).
(which might be like saying the "morgans" from wales) (i'm welsh, from a branch of morgans).
all are ok, both caye caulker and San Pedro Mafia's. Not too much damage on their return from Guatemala, and all are well.
Dave Tasker

Last year when I visited Belize, I made friends with Lliani Lopez Paz and her family in San Pedro. Any word on them?
Just know that my thoughts and prayers are with all of you. God Bless you, Mary Ann O'Brien

I am looking for information about Warren Lignell. He has been living on Amgergris Cay for about 6 weeks. He is a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The last letter I received from him was dated 10/12/98. Any information about Warren would be greatly appreciated.
Claudia Lignellm [email protected]


Anyone knows where Homero Escalante and wife are? They live near Victoria House.

Jim and Sonja Wade are on the island staying at Trisha's, John Eiley is on the island, seen riding a golf cart, Tim Jeffers is staying at Banyan Bay, Dr. Lerida Rodriguez of Cuba is at Banyan Bay - hurray!!!!! Pam Smith at Banyan Bay, Jesse Cope is on the island, he's okay, Eileen and Dan Jamison went to Cayo on Monday, Linda and Calvin Westmoreland were at Banyan Bay yesterday, probably still there.
Confirmed again. They are at Banyan bay

Does anyone know the whereabouts of the school for international training group, headed by jerry enriquez?

I am trying to track down information regarding my family on San Pedro, the Artemio Cardenez family and Beto Nunez family, particularly my grandmother, Eusebia Cardenez. I heard that they left the island, but that my cousin Mina and her husband are staying at Artemio and Carmita's house. I also think my mother's cousin, Beto Marin is still on island, but I would like to confirm. If anyone has information, I would apreciate it if they could contact me, Julio Suarez at: [email protected] or call my mother, Eloina in Miami.I'll also keep checking this site for info and post any info I receive.
I finally reached my cousin who is staying at my uncle's house, Artemio Cardenez. She brought me up to speed on the whereabouts of the rest of the family. My uncle, Beto Nunez, is the mayor and is staying as well.
Our prayers are with everyone in Belize.

Has anyone seen Gene and Betsy -Del Mar, Iguana Jack, Amy Brown or heard from Savanna. I'm sure they're ok but would like to know. I can be reached at [email protected]
Debo: Gene and Betse are fine....Amy is in Calif. coming back this week, Jack is here. We are mighty grateful to have come through with very little damage considering the havoc that Mitch has created in other areas of Central America. Take care

How can I get up to the minute reports on how my friends in Monkey River and in Punta Gorda are doing? Will Mahea at TIDES, Will Heyman at nature Conservncy and fisherman Eloy Cuevas in Monkey River town are doing?
Will Heyman is safe at the Conservancy as the worst of the storm missed them.

Need some information on Chester Dawson and family from Sand Hill. What is going on at Sand Hill?

Does anyone know what happened to Tony Rath and his family? I'm sure they must have moved to safety. What about Jim JanMohammed from Royal Palm? Jim Scott from Journey's End? Tex and Neisja (pardon my spelling)? I heard they didn't get out in time?

Do you have any reports on the M.V. Wave Dancer or Lighthouse Reef Resort?
My brother, Steve Young, took the Wave Dancer and all aboard down to Placencia to wait it out in the quiet waters of Big Creek. This was as of Tuesday evening, according to my Mom in Placencia. I will ask about them tomorrow, if someone is looking for a specific person.
The Wave Dancer and the Aggressor are both still in Big Creek. They need fuel right now and tried to get some via a fuel truck but apparently a bridge is out and the truck couldn't get through. They'll probably be there for a while.

Pete and Philip on Sanbore Caye on Lighthouse Atoll

Up until yesterday the only one still out there was Philip, my dad. My brother, Philip, went out in his boat to get him but he refused to come in!! I'm hoping some government boat may have gone by that way and forced him off the island. If anyone has any new news about him, please post it here as I am checking it every few minutes.

As of this morning Placencia has blue skies and everything was pretty calm. Everyone is holed up at different neighbors' houses waiting it out. I will talk to them later and pass on any new developments.

Hi, my name is Betty Conn. I am very upset about not hearing from my son, Greg & Becky (Conn). They were on San Pedro & said all flights had been cancelled,. If anyone knows them or their locations please call me at 334/633-0694 in Mobile, AL or e-mai: [email protected]. Both families are so upset!!

My name is Peter Couchells, from New York and I'm trying to find a lady by the name of RUBY JIMENEZ whose family lives on Caye Caulker. Ruby herself was working as a barmaid at Captain Morgan's Resort off San Pedro. Please put a message out for me so I can find her. She is very dear to my heart and I must find her. I am planning to go hunt for her when this storm lets up. Maybe you could help me find out where the employees of Captain Morgans evacuated to. My email address is [email protected] PHONE:718-982-7775

Steve & Cathy Newland
Eileen and Dan Jamison went to Cayo on Monday. Linda Carter is in Belmopan with 6 other people (don't know names). She had surgery on her elbow and is fine. Just waiting to go back to San Pedro after the storm to see what's left.

Does anyone know any information on the status of our friend Capt "Robert" and the Winnie we would appreciate it. He usually heads south during thes things but I don't think that was the way to go this time. Our prayers in Indiana are with all of you.
Roberto "Winnie Estelle" is on the Rio Dulce.... has been down there for about 6 weeks...

Can you please tell me if you know if any of the family of John and Annie Eiley are still on the Island. We talked to them on Monday and they were still undecided about leaving the island.
Robert & Carolyn Letson
Kingston, GA
John Eiley is on the island, seen riding a golf cart

** Does anyone know if Pete and Phillip were evacuated from Sanbore Caye on the Lighthouse Atoll???????

Jesse Cope was staying behind to take care Amanda's dogs, etc. does anyone know if he's okay and how Royal Palm has held up?
Jesse Cope is on the island, he's okay

i have fallen in love with belize, and dulce rosa jimenez, fom caye caulker, and intend to settle there with her on discharge from the army in 2 years. in case anyone is asking or worried about her and her 2 boys, and also hilary from popeyes on caulker, diana (weel known there) and the jorges twins, they are in guatemala and safe. Dulce and the boys are in flores pten, and the others are now in san ignacio, cayo. had 2 very nail biting days worrying, but got an e-mail today from dulce.

Like everyone else we are watching and waiting and terribly worried about our friends on Ambergris. I know several of the staff at Banyan Bay and Bottom Time Dive. Any word on those facilities and the folks who work there, specifically Maribel Chi and Rudy Duran?

Varela's, Greif's, Shulte, and McCorkle's are all safe.

On Caye Caulker: I'm wondering about Blanco Guzman and his family, Dorothy and Jim Beveridge, and Steve and Aloma Allen/Young.

has anyone talked to Mary Beissner, Tex and Niesje Province,Linda and Calvin Westmoreland, or Clarence and Annabelle? Please post a note to let us know they are safe. Craig Metzgar ([email protected])
Tex and Niesje Province are weathering it out in their home on the island.Mary is in San Pedro staying at Banyan Bay with a group of friends. Henry, Jenny and Joey are at Chan Chic. They are fine.
Linda and Calvin Westmoreland were at Banyan Bay yesterday, probably still there.

Don and Eli Pearly rode the storm out in the shelter underneath their house in Honduras. They were able to make contact with Eli's sister in the states via a cell phone I believe Weds. The resort is destroyed apparently there is nothing remaining. I am not sure about their house. They had enough food in the shelter for a week. I will know more probably this evening.
Madeline Bunch

I telephoned Coconuts at 1030 EST and the phone was answered by David, the assistant manager of the hotel. He told me that the hotel is closed because of the storm and that nobody was staying there at this time. He said that they are all staying on the island at the new condos that Tim has just built called "Banana Beach Resort".

Tim Jeffers, David, Bruce & Charlene and others can be reached at the Banyan Bay phone number (011-501-226-3739) if you can get someone to answer it. When I asked David if there was damage to the hotel, he said no and that most of the damage occurred to the docks, piers and dive shops most of which have disappeared if on the water. David did not sound worried....if anything he was not worried at all about their safety. His words were that they would all be safe. He said he just stopped in to check on things when I phoned and that he was leaving to go downtown in San Pedro to see what was happening. I tried phoning Banyan Bay but there was no answer.

I am trying to locate Marla Burgess and family of caye caulker. Belizario Martinez informed me that he thinks they left the island when the boats came to take people off the caye. I would appreciate if anyone knows their whereabouts perhaps in Belize or Belmopan to please notify this website. Hi Marty I just received a phone call from Marla Burgess. Someone told her I was trying to contact her . She and family just arrived at caye caulker and everyone is safe. My sincere thanks for posting the notice on your website. Our prayers were answered by the Lord to save Belize, San Pedro, Caye Caulker and all the people.May the Lord Bless you all. Gamarugu

A number of my friends and neighbors are on Ambergris Caye and I just want them to know that we are thinking about them. The Schrimpf's, a German couple that were going to ride the storm out at the Spindrift. Adrian, the English electrician, that was going to be on the 3rd floor of the Sandpiper Apartments. Any and all the Saint Matthews' group, still on the island. The teachers, staff, and students of the Island Academy, particularly Benito, whom I know was staying (assumed to be around the school or the distributor).

Orwin Swaso Henry, a.k.a. "Shish-kebab Orwin's brother (Sammy), sister-in-law (Louanne) and I would be very happy to hear word of Orwin's whereabouts and status. Would appreciate update by this site, or message at (U.S.) 425-844-9508. Thanks. Jennifer Curtis

Looking for word of my good friends, Eileen & Dan Jamison, owners of The San Pedro Sun, and of course the dogs, Wizard & Pearl. I can be reached at [email protected]. Our thoughts are with all of you in San Pedro. Thanks, Holly
Eileen and Dan Jamison went to Cayo on Monday

Currently, on the island are Patty Arceo, Jeffrey and Susannah. Alan and Delcia Forman are on the island, along with the Bradley Brothers, Alma, Larry and Carol Thorpe, Bill Parham, we are getting a list together of those at the BullFrog in Belmopan. In Beneke, are Johnna, Ruben, and Lauren Trejo. Mr and Mrs Nando Trejo Sr. are on the island.

I'm unable to contact Kathy Dalton or Dawn Williams from Caye Caulker. Any information would be appreciated. I understand they decided to ride out the storm.

We need to know about our adopted son, Diego, who is staying with his aunt and uncle, Ramon and Mildi Rosado on Caye Caulker. Even though they have a boat, I don't know if they managed to get to the mainland.

We are also looking for Diego's grandparents, Ismael and Rosalia (Rose) Magana, and his sister, Marceli Magana, on Caye Caulker.

We can be reached at 512-445-5834 or [email protected]

I am hoping and praying you have ANY information on Andy Palacio, Patrick Stevens, Elias and Becky (?), Jorge and Alejandro Rodriguez (children) and Myra and Jeovanni Ramos (also children) from San Pedro Town. Andy, Patrick and Elias are Dive Master's at Gaz Cooper's. Jorge and Alejandro live on Tarpon Street and Myra and Jeovanni live on Angel Coral. Please let us know what we can do to help. Any information you can give us would be very much appreciated and if you are able to contact them, PLEASE give them our telephone # (281)873-2288 and fax #(281)873-0501 and tell them to call us collect.

Has anyone seen Richie Woods; did he evacuate San Pedro or stay? What about the Tomas Paz family?

The family of Miss Ann McGlaun would appreciate any word of her safety and if any one does see her please tell her she is loved

Did Marsha and Freddy Waite get off the island? Any more news on Jim Wade and his daughter? Howard Johnson left the island on a boat with lupi and her baby, any news on them? I can get messages to Colleen Johnson. Mary Hawthorne we hope you are ok. Any news will be appreciated. Please e-mail me at [email protected]
Mary Hawthorne is in Belmopan. Sonja Wade is in Belize City. For the record, Paul and Mary Ellen Stevens are in Paris. Jim and Sonja Wade are on the island staying at Trisha's

Has anybody heard how Eric & Terri Anderson, owners of French Harbor Yacht Club, Roatan, are doing?

I have no news but would like to know if Pancho Verde and his family got off the island if you speak to anyone on the inland. We are very worried about them. Thanks, Bonnie Rubey.

I contacted you last eveniing about my husband (Tom Ickes) being left on the island. We finally got connected, in a fashion, last night. I am writing you just to let someone in the area know where he is...just in case. He and 1 male & 2 female students are boarded up in his room on the second floor at the Royal Palm Beach club. The other guy's name is Mark Taylor. The girls are sisters, Aned & Anid, but I don't know their last names (both are married). We have connected with all of the spouses.

While dancing Friday night at Fido's, Linda Carter fell and broke her arm (dislocated her left elbow, I believe.) We did not get to talk to her before we left, but I have to imagine that she was in severe pain and not in any condition to evacuate easily. My friends and I are quite worried about her. If anyone has heard from her, please contact this website.
She is in Belmopan with 6 other people (don't know names). She had surgery on her elbow and is fine. Just waiting to go back to San Pedro after the storm to see what's left.

Hoping and praying our friends Mary and Henry Beissner of Casa Solana and our friend Justo Gotay who works for Capt Badillo are okay. Any word of them?
Regarding Justo Gotay & Capt. Badillo. They left for Orangewalk yesterday at 11:00am by boat. Also included were a large portion of the Badillo family. However, Ramon & Martha Badillo chose to remain. Their grandson Ramon Calderon decided to stay with them. If anyone has information, I am interested to know if they made it to Orangewalk. [email protected]

My sister and I,(Elswith Samuels and Lucy Richardson) we have been trying to locate my elderly parents, Henry and Doris Samuels in the Belmopan or Belize city area. They are sickly and we are so worried about their health in with this storm, if you have any information as to their whereabouts or how I may contact them it will be greatly appreciated.

If any one hears from the Cadle Family on Courtenay Crescent street, also Teresita and Hilbreto Cassanova, they all feft for the Cayo District. Please,Please contact Mrs. Estellita Miranda at 1-773-743-9924or 1-773-248-1081

I Am Looking for Miss Ann McGlaun on the island of San Pedro the last we heard she was on the island .We would appreciate a report on her safety,also please,if anyone does see her tell her thet her family loves her.

I am trying to find Tim Jeffers the owner of Coconuts Hotel. Do you know of his whereabouts, telephone number or e-mail address? Did he stay on the island or did he evacuate? Any info on Tim or David of Coconuts would be appreciated.
Tim Jeffers is staying at Banyan Bay

Looking for any of the Rosados, from Caye Caulker. Diego or his uncle Ramon. I am very concerned for the safety of my son's family the Rosados. They live on Caye Caulker, Rodolfo is his father, Roberto and Enelda are his Aunt and Uncle. Please, if possible could you keep me informed if volunteers will be needed after the hurricane. I would be more than happy to fly down there or coordinate efforts from here. Thank you , I am praying all will be safe there. Michele Y. Hosack
904-454-2768 home
352-374-5915 work
[email protected]

5 students from Ohio State on break in Belize, may be in a shelter in Belmopan, they are Lindy Wells, Jennifer, Brian Augustine, Adam Goodell, and a couple of other gals. Call Barbara Wells, 800-955-8047, or 9-3, then 614-818-0626.
They are in Flores, Guatemala, trying to get a plane out..

Susan Lala got out and is in Kansas City at [email protected]. Will Lala got out on the flight the embassy set up this morning Tue Oct 27. Wil is in Miami wanting out the storm to go back.

I need some info to make his trip back in as safe as possible. Are you still in email contact with Belize? If so What is the Chan Chich email address?
Do you know how to reach them by radio?

I also need a contact at Tropic. Do you have Steve Shulti's phone number in Houston or email there?
Also any US phone numbers or emails for Celi McCorkle, John E. Grief Sr. or JR., Celi Jean Verella (formerly C.J. Grief)?
Oh Susan, so glad to hear from you! Celi, Jorge I. Varela and several others are at: [email protected] I believe Celi Jean is there too. Give him an email, he can tell you where Steve is probably is. I do not have the Chan Chich info, but will post the question on the site and someone will know.

As of Tuesday 10/27 Ken and Claudia, Ken owns Satieo Belize the satellite store and theater in Paz's center, are on their way back to Belize. They were to cross the Mexican border on Tues. We can only hope the are listening to the radio and know what is going on. They have a cell phone on board but we haven't been able to get to them in Mexico. Its a digital one that they were told would work down into Mexico. So they are not on the island, but their house is just behind Patojos hotel. I know Claudia is fretting about the dogs.

I am looking for information about my son, Daniel Mancini(23), who is an American living in Kings Park, Belize City. He works for the YMCA, lives at 5403 6th St; phone:011-501-2-36383. I haven't heard from him and am concerned about his well-being. If you have any news please contact me at [email protected]. thank you very much!
I have heard from my son and he is well, thank God. Ida

John Crawford- His wife in Texas very concerned as to his safety..John Crawford has a golf cart rental compnay in San Pedro...any information please provide to messages at
He is in Flores, Guatemala.

If anyone knows the whereabouts of Jim Wade and his daughter, Sonja, please e-mail me at [email protected]. May God be with you all.
Jim and Sonja Wade are on the island staying at Trisha's

Bruce and Charlene (BC's Bar) stayed on the island and some others I kno;w.

I'm worried.  Would you know anything about them?
Bruce and Charlene are at Banyan Bay. The new BC's bar is located next to Sun Breeze and as of 6:00 pm BZT was STILL STANDING UNTOUCHED!!!!

Charlene was almost in tears on Sunday worried that the building would blow away. I hope she knows its still standing but I doubt it as water is high coming in to town. If anybody knows if the Dawsons are safe let me know, Aunt Clem, Vincent, Cesario, Val and the kids. I know that my Tia Emily and Tio Ramon (Reyes) left Caye Caulker this morning and should be safely in Orange Walk with the rest of the Vasquez family.

If any one knows how the following peolple are and if they are safe please post. Larry & Suzanne Parker, Bruce & Carleen from B&C'S, and Martha and her family that run Martha"s Hotel. Hope you, and all the other wonderfull people of San Pedro come though this safely. Our thoughts Ands Prayers are with you.

Looking for word from: Bruce and Victoria, Diane and Bob Campbell, Beverly and Stewart Corns of the Green Parrot, the Marin's of Excalibur Tours, Linda Carter, or Armondo Gonzales and family. Anyone heard from them?
Beverly and Stuart were in Orange Walk as of yesterday.. I heard from Bob & Diane Sunday night. They were headed inland with their two dogs and their cat. Haven't heard where they ended up, but they didn't know where they were going. I am assuming they are safe and sound. I'll let you know if I hear anything else. -Jus theard- they are safe and sound on the mainland

Casey from the hardware store in Caye Caulker is in Orange Walk with Stewart & Beverly from the Green Parrot at Victor's. they are all fine. Bruce and Victoria are here in San Pedro. We missed the flight with them as the planes quit just before we got to the airport (people were at the airport about 5-6 a.m. waiting in line to get off the island. So we are all staying here at La Margarita. Bob and Diane are supposedly at Chan Chic. Linda Carter is in Belmopan.

Saw the Campbells for the last time on Monday at 11am moving their boat. Bruce and Victoria, ex proprietors of the San Pedro Sun, are on my contact list for the morning. Found out a few hours ago that they were still on the island and staying with friends. By the time I had called they were already in bed and I didn't want to wake them. The Marin's, I think they stayed behind even though the entire family was already prepared to evacuate... Armondo Gonzales and family, Saw him at 6:30am on Tuesday. He was ready to evacuate with some relative, not sure if he made it off the island. Saw Gloria and Dimas still on island just before my departure.. RE: Romy & Neri of Ramons Kitchen & Family, Saw their son at Belize City municipal airstrip and he was waiting for thier arrival from San Pedro, not sure if they made it...

To my daughter, Linda Carter, from San Pedro. Anyone knowing her whereabouts and safety, please contact me. My phone number in the States is 210-658-0247. Call collect or send e-mail tome. Linda, I love you and pray for your safety. Mom

Anyone knowing the whereabouts of Chris Berlin & Rebecca,please have them call Ken or Lauren collect if phone service available at. (US)850-231-2787,e-mail [email protected]
Skip and I spoke with Chris last nite and also this morning. They are still on the caye in their house and are planning to stay. All is fine so far . They have a generator and their house has a sturdy roof and is 20 feet above ground.

I am trying to locate my brother inlaw visiting the Island. He is accompanied by one other male, one female and his son Nicolas. He is Canadian and was there enjoying the diving. Although he would probably enjoy a struggle with mother nature I am not sure this is what he had in mind. We are quite concerned for there safety. Any help would be appreciated. He was in Ambergris Caye as of Monday and indicated he would leave Tuesday. But as the internet information indicates not much left the Island tuesday. Once again his name is Robert Rodvik and Son Nicolas, one male and female companion. We pray you all are safe. Our best wishes for to all.
I just received word that Rob Rodvik and the rest of his party were found at another hotel in another city in Belize.

I am really appreciative if you can find out any information for me regarding my sister Paty Arceo. She is still in Ambergris Caye but I need to know where she is and if she is okay. May God be with them all.
i spoke to Alan Forman this evening, and Patty is fine and on the island. She was with him.

that was 6:00pm this evening, Marty

please let me know if you know the whereabouts of the following individuals from san pedro and if they are safe. thanks.

Vicky Showler and Landy Trejo
Florencio Sutherland family
Lynne Mellone (works at Luba Hati in Placencia)

To my Dear Belizean Friends & Family of SanPedro & Belize City, If anyone knows the wearabouts of my adopted family: Ms. Elvie Staines and her immediate Family, Jenny& family;Gloria and Family;Erique and Family; Ivan and family also of Romy & Neri of Ramons Kitchen & Family Please e-mail me at [email protected] or [email protected] and let me know how they are. If possible advise them that I am very worried and they are in my Prayers.
Ms Elvia and family were to stay at Alijua. I heard mention around the house here that Irida is in Flores with Tropic staff but they're all asleep and I can't confirm.Kevin, Irida's husband as of noon Tuesday was staying. Also heard that Goli and Dimas stayed at Alijua and they are on our list to call in the morning and confirm. You might want to call the Alijua tonight, everyone's is asleep here and I've had looks and pillows thrown my way so I'm trying to be quiet and stay off the phone. JValera was able to trasmit a communication for me and I was able to get intouch with them. Iriada Gonzales was with them and we neede to hear from her.

Ruben Gonzalez, can anyone tell me if he has left? Has anyone spoken to any member of the Lions Club that is still on the island? I know Beto and Nita were planning to stay on the island and they live almost across from Nellie Gomez. Maybe next conversation with Nellie, someone can ask about Beto.

Anyone know the whereabouts of Ramon Badillio and his family? Also in the family on the island are Picho Badillo & family, Irma Calderon & family, Gerald Badillo & family, Fido Badillo & family, as well as just about everyone on the island. Know if they left the island or not? Also Patojo and Sabrina Paz. Picho and family are in Flores Guatemala., please inform of others... Marty

Worried folks looking for Linda Williams, Calvin Westmoreland, and Dustin Winn. They were last spoken to Monday AM at 4:00 PST, 3 miles north of San Pedro at White Sands Cove. If anyone has seen them, please call me at 541-686-0277, day or night anytime, collect or whatever.... Marty

If Tim Lavin is needing to contact his family, especially his mother, ..he is married to Lydia Gonzales of the Gonzales of the San Pedrno Hotel.... have him use:
[email protected], fax number is 2079419324
We have confirmed that Secuin Gonzalez and his daughter Sarah are in Orange Walk. We spoke with Secundino and his wife Beatriz Gonzalez (two daughters Alyssa and Danita) they are in Calcutt outside of Corozal. The weather at this moment is quiet.Dino reported parts of Corozal are being evacuated.

Dino reported Grandmother Gonzalez is with them. And that he believes that Tim Lavin and his family are in Belmopan.

A group of students from St. Matthews who left the island yesterday is currently unaccounted for. We are sure they are safe, but would like to know their exact whereabouts, where they went when they left the island.

My daughter, Yvonne Patterson, one of the students, left San Pedro on one of the last flights yesterday with her husband Mike. They flew on the embassy flight to Miami and are on their way home to Phoenix. She phoned from Miami and is concerned about other students who were left in San Pedro last night.
Phyllis Caggiano

The students from St. Matthews left on the island came by 2 boats boat to Orange Walk with Elma Garcia, and they got nice and soaked but are quite safe. They are trying to get back to the island by Sunday.

Thank you for your information...I would be willing to come to the island and assist with medical care if needed. Some of our closest friends Beto and Nita Marin and daughters, German and Rosie Allamilla and family are in out thoughts! If you see them ask us them to contact us if they are safe.

Here are links to further information on locating folks: I am attempting to collect/coordinate information on whereabouts and safety of individuals in southern Belize. Information will be posted at

10/26 Reports
10/27 Reports
10/28 Reports
10/29 Reports
10/30 Reports
10/31- 11/2
11/3- Current
Relief Efforts
People Locator

Commons Island Community History Visitor Center Goods & Services Search Messages AIM Info

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