IV. Investment Advantages

Transportation on a scheduled basis to key market areas by sea, and air with a 3-day direct by road to the North Western USA.

1) Major International Airport: Philip Goldson International Airport. 2) Distance to USA: Approx. 800 miles to the nearest port of entry. with 2 hours flying time to or from Miami, New Orleans, Houston. 3) Daily Flights: Miami, New Orleans, Houston and Los Angeles. 4) Reliable shipping and air cargo services to and from Europe, United States of America, Central America and the Caribbean.

Highways: All weather roads linking major district towns.

Ports: Belize City, Commerce Bight and Big Creek.

Rapid access to a wide range of raw materials from U.S.A., Mexico and the Far East.

Minimal restrictions or red tape

1 ) Easy access to Government Ministries, Govern ment Departments and Private Agencies.

A strategically located industrial park

1 ) Pre-built shells of 6,000 or 20,000 sq. ft. avail able within 6-9 months of signing a letter of intent.
2) Industrial building rental ranges from BZ$4.00 to BZ$7.00 per sq. ft. of floor space.
3) Flexible lease/sale on customized construction arrangements.
4) Adjacent to the Phillip Goldson International Air port.

Conveniently located Export Processing Zones.

1 ) Easy access to the North American Markets by road and by air via the Philip Goldson International Airport.
2) Links to international trade, communications, other utilities and services at low costs.
3) A favorable business environment, few regulatory restrictions and a minimum of red tape.

Preferential market access to Europe, Canada, USA and the Caribbean

1) Europe under LOME IV
3) USA under CBI II
4) Caribbean under CARICOM

The Government of Belize welcomes genuine foreign investment when it meets the following criteria:

a) creates employment opportunities
b) makes maximum use of indigenous raw materials
c) earns foreign exchange or
d) results in increased production e) introduces state-of-the-art technology
f) enhances local management skills
g) promotes greater efficiency through competition
h) diversifies the economic base
i) facilitates access to foreign markets
j) is environmentally friendly

Longer term incentives are offered for the location of industries in the less-developed rural areas of the country and for export-oriented projects or projects utilizing technology not previously introduced into Belize.

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