Belize offers exciting opportunities for profitable development ventures. Its talented people, enduring stability, democratic traditions, natural resources and attractive investment climate all combine to enhance possibilities for meaningful partnerships between investors and Belize.

The country is poised for a new era of economic development. A variety of development programs and projects are well advanced to minimize constraints and improve the infrastructure necessary to support development. In addition Government is placing great emphasis on development of Belizean human resources in order to ensure the fullest participation of Belizeans in the economic growth and the achieve- ment of growth with equity.

Our government believes that private investment is absolutely critical in providing capital, technology and expertise in our ongoing attempts to expand production and generate new economic activity. We shall therefore continue streamlining our policies and operations to attract, encourage and assist all feasible development activities in our search for sustainable national development.

We hope that this information will help to provide some of the answers to your questions and at the same time sensitize you to the uniquely Belizean opportunities and hospitality that await the investor.

We extend an open invitation to you to participate in our national development.

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