So much truth in what has been said! I particularly like what Robin Williams said.

Changing tack slightly, I find it amusing how much the US tries to rule over areas it has no rights over. I was in Oxford (England) when Clinton came to visit his daughter who was a student there. His bodyguards muscled their way around, openly carrying firearms, until someone (an academic, but it could have been anyone) pointed out that these were all private citizens in the UK and their behaviour was therefore illegal. Once the truth of this was realised their guns were taken away, and they were informed of the rights of the citizens they had earlier been manhandling. The rest of the visit went far more smoothly. To be fair to Clinton, it seemed to be the secret agent "machine" that was operating rather than any conscious will of his.

I also love it when I see the FBI warning me of dire consequences if I don't observe US law. I do hope readers won't be offended if I tell them to "stuff it".