1) A key differentiator is that all the above mentioned conflicts were the result of a declared war -- except Iraq. The precedent set allows for unimaginable abuses regardless of the justification for the war itself.

How do we define a war with no boundaries, no nation/states, international law has no precedent nor does Congress and the President has every right to pull the national security card. yes, scary but a necessity given the potential dissension among a large body such as the legislative branch. Take a look at what happened dring the war of 1812, Congress fled, the President was not at the White House but his wife was. Left decisions to be made by the President and his cabinet with only a few other Legs and Juds adding their input from afar and sporatically.
By the way Chosin was in Korea which was a conflict not a declared war either, however the President will open the door for impeachment and possible removal from office so he better pray his intelligence and Generals are correct in their assumptions.

2) I agree that our perspective of this conflict is woefully out of whack when compared with the realities of WWI and WWII. There's no comparison when looking at human casualties and financial losses as a percent of GNP. While I do feel this perspective is a problem in the American consciousness that must be dealt with, the bigger issue is that the majority of Americans do not see Islamo-fascism as a comparable threat to Nazism or Communism. Until then, everything else is academic.

Agreed, however if we, for once, remember the past. . .
Take for instance Nazi Germany, due, in large part to the French and old Neville Chamberlain (diplomacy at all costs) we entered a war that could have been stopped short of the atrocity it became if the three powers (French, Britain and the US) had just reduced some of the horrendous reparations placed on Germany with the Treaty of Versaille or even stopped Hitler when he entered Sudentland or even Poland. Then we repeated it again when Stalin took East Germany and various islands by just ignoring it (except for the airlift of foods). Even Japan could have been nixed early on by Roosevelt if he would have sent aid and troops to China but instead he just fought the war covertly using US forces and funds without the knowledge of Congress(except for the lend/lease program), i.e. radioing where-abouts of Axis ships, restricting production materials to Axis countries, not allowing Axis ships to unload goods and on and on. So why not nip this in the bud early instead of later? I think anyone using their ability to reason can say that the Islamic extremists have been around a lot longer than the 60s. Look at Trans-Jordan, the Jordanians didn't even want the Palestinians around due to their brutality toward the Jews and fellow Moslems (the Jews didn't have Israel then and it wasn't even a twinkle that Israel would arise).

Great discusiing this matter with you as well!

By the way Pedro 2? The Brits took well over three hundred years to learn from their mistakes and they still make them (Falklands) so give the newbies a break and by the way if you guys wouldn't have screwed around with the various borders all over the British Empire we would be having less issues now (one being Belize and Guatemala. . ) Arrogant British Bastards :-)

Take care!

Never trust a Captain who calls his firstmate "Little Buddy."

The Howells