I think we might be missing something here. When I first came to Belize 28 years ago and met my wife here on Ambergris and married her at the government primary school (because that was the church then) there were perhaps 125 kids attending classes there.

I never realized that the successive Governments of Belize would not spend one cent on expanding and improving the school to any degree during that 28 year period. Just about all of the add-ons and extra classes have been donated by private individuals and charitable donations. Most of the extra classes are little more than wooden shacks.

As far as I am concerned it is the Government of Belize who should be building schools in Belize. Given the outrageous wealth and excesses of various government ministers and their cronies it is outrageous that 27 years of governments here have not put any substantial funds into bringing our GOVERNMENT primary school up to a decent standard. It is also more than a little sad that we, the people of Ambergris Caye are not more...er....OUTRAGED by this clear neglect of our children.

FYI, the child population of our basically-unimproved-in-27-years GOVERNMENT primary school here on Ambergris Caye is now over 1000 kids.

I can't blame the U.S. government for building schools here in Belize. It's just that they shouldn't have to. The responsibility lies much closer to home.....