Click this picture to get a larger version of this map. Bird Sanctuary
The management of two cayes (Los Salones and Little Guana Caye) was turned over to Green Reef in April of 1998 in a memorandum of understanding with the Belize Audubon Society. With financial assistance from a Protected Area Conservation Trust (PACT) grant, Green Reef has compiled a management plan for the sanctuary.

Los Salones Caye is just off the south west of Ambergris Caye. This small mangrove caye is the nesting site for many wading birds especially the Roseate Spoonbill.

Little Guana Caye is of the west coast of northern Ambergris Caye. This mangrove caye has the largest nesting colony of Reddish Egrets in the Caribbean and is also known to have nesting White Ibis, Tri-Colored Herons and Roseate Spoonbills.

Naturally, birds are not limited to only these two cayes; they feed and nest on surrounding cayes and wetlands as well. For this reason, it is important that all of these critical habitats be preserved and protected from destructive activity or development.

Green Reef is working to expand the existing border of the two bird sanctuaries to create a protected area that includes neighboring cayes and wetlands.

| Mooring Buoys | Nassau Grouper Research and Advocacy Program | Jewfish Monitoring | Coral Monitoring |
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Green Reef
100 Coconut Drive, San Pedro Town, Ambergris Caye, Belize
Phone: +501-226-3254 ext 243 Fax: +501-226-3264
Email [email protected]

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