I am totally amazed by "discussion" about Reef Village. Few things comes to mind reading all the posts:
1. I'll go on the limb and assume that people who complain the most already own houses or condos, mot likely somewhere north of the cut. If this is the case, it reminds me of East Coast suburbanites (you know, people who moved to 'burbs yesterday and today complain about urban sprawl)
2. I am positive, that there was no vegetation whatsoever where those houses or condos were built, otherwise wouldn't they also participated in "destruction of the environment"??
3. I am not an expert, but how exactly clearing quarter of the mile of mangroves destroys habitat on the island 25 miles long? Some birds probably had to move few hundred yards away, but this hardly makes them extinct.
4. "Manufacturing the land to build condos" - isn't this practice called "filling" and quite widely used on AC and other islands?
5. Speed bumps: they may be an annoyance and they probably are. But what you rather have: a road with few speed bumps, knowing where they are, or a road with millions of potholes, not knowing how deep they are (particularly funny after big rain)?