Originally Posted by bywarren
"We walked into it blindly" Did you read the association bylaws prior to purchasing? And if so, what did they say about time share?

There wasn't anything that I can remember about timeshares. But, it also didn't say anything about the developer creating buildings for timeshares...so, catch 22....It's his property..he can do with it what he wants, and we can't stop the time shares. But, we own our units, and they aren't subject to time share distribution. The buildings being built specifically for time shares aren't any different that other areas who decide it's a way to make fast money. Just think about it....18 units at at least $7,000 week, times 52 weeks....hmmm...not rocket science, is it. I would say it's fast money with very little liability. Free enterprise? Yep. Do we like it? Nope. Can we do anything about it? Nope. So, where do you go from here? Don't have a clue.
And, Harriette, I wish I knew. I am just an owner, living in the US, with no control over what happens. I just have learned to watch...and learn. I got my head chopped of the last time I said anything about it, so I'm not gonna do that again. But, you will notice, I'm not defending so adamantly anymore...

At what age is it determined I am old enough to know better?