SunAndSand... Can't you see that he's baiting you?

Regarding your investment. I seriously doubt that this message board has a significant impact on the value of your condo. The people who post here do it to vent their frustrations and little more. You don't see them taking any real action. No organized protests when investors are in town... no pickets... no chaining themselves to mangroves. All they can do is vent. Let them have their peace and just let it roll off... You just have to remember that bywarren is a master baiter and leave him to do it alone.

Originally Posted by sunandsand
That being said, my Dad taught me never to argue with an idiot. It makes it hard for others to tell the difference, and for that reason, I'm done here.

Speaking for idiots everywhere, I'm sorry you and your father are not on speaking terms.

Last edited by deadserious; 06/15/08 01:30 PM.