Exactly, when we lived in PG on the WASA water system, we averaged about 250 per month in water. At our new house, our village just installed a water system and our bill is about 100 per month so we went back to using our well. High sulphur in our well water but elec for pump is only about 25 per month. We are a family of 5 and we used to let our fans run all day, as I assumed they did not draw much current. Our elec bill was aroung 600 per month. I made everyone start turning them off if not in the room, and our bill dropped about 200 per month, we are around 350 to 400 per month. So all we use is lights, fans, a fridge, small chest freezer, and 2 washing machines. We use a butane dryer and in the rainy season we use about 20 gallons per month, about 140 now. It is not "cheap" to live here, but there are many other benefits which outweigh these to us.