Ok ok ok....everyone lets keep on track here...

Yes, we need SAGA. Yes, i support SAGA. Yes, i've used their services and yes my dog is a SAGA dog.

The net net is not whether Pedro is an asshole, we all know he is....but he is NOT the licensing board.

Mostly, i do wish both sides of the issue (SAGA and Pedro) could just put their issues aside (they BOTH have them) and remember the point. Now, i'm sure i'll get skewered for saying that...but i guess the net net...all the fighting between BOTH factions has led to this point.

I dont think anyone would disagree that SAGA is a completely necessary, useful and valuable asset to the island. The point is to save the clinic, focus on that, not what an asshole pedro is. its misdirected, wasted energy.

So, is the vet who is "twiddling her thumbs" currently licensed and with working papers? Or is that the hold up? They arent being issued? Lets unravel the knot of this mess and get it straightened out.

i found my ball gown (yes, really) in my closet, and have full intention of wearing it as i proudly support FOTHS and SAGA on the 26th laugh