Marty your 'bone to pick' with Pedro goes back at least a decade - and you are flaming a drama with your posts - Laurie the vet is NOT trying to shut down SAGA. There is room for SAGA and a private vet practice. Peter is Peter, and the SAGA folks, are well, who they are too. The animals will lose if the humans keep fighting over $$$. I won't donate to SAGA anymore; I have donated to the SPAF to cover the discounted rates on the spays/neuters Laurie has done on strays and needy animals. I signed the SAGA petition too, because I believe they need to keep their doors open; however, I don't agree they need a full time vet - that money could be better spent on shelter costs and supplies and they could use the discounted services of SPAH if they would STOP FIGHTING WITH EACH OTHER.