June 10, 2010

Miguel DePaz, D.V.M., Chairman
Veterinary Surgeons' Board
Belmopan, Belize

Re: ​Campaign of Harassment and Slander Against Saga Foundation, Ltd., d/b/a Saga
Humane Society and Veterinary Clinic, San Pedro Town, Ambergris Caye, Belize

Dear Dr. DePaz:

We are writing to you to clarify certain events and points regarding the Saga Humane Society's operations in San Pedro Town on Ambergris Caye ("SAGA"). We are doing this in part because we are seeking to modernize our operation. As such, we would like to foster a close and cooperative relationship with the Veterinary Surgeons' Board and with BAHA so that we may seek your guidance and assistance in improving SAGA. We are also doing this because SAGA has been suffering under a campaign of obstruction, harassment and slander, one that is threatening its very existence.

SAGA always makes sure it is professional and available to pet owners in urgent need of assistance during set opening hours, which are widely advertised. Any changes to those hours are also advertised.� SAGA currently cannot employ a full time veterinarian due to interference from a local business owner who wants exclusivity and a monopoly, providing no option for second opinions or after hours care.

Our clinic manager has been authorized to dispense certain products that are available over the counter at places like Prosser's, pharmacies and pet supply stores.� While there has been some confusion as to what sort of products she is legally allowed to dispense, this is being urgently addressed by SAGA and we would welcome the guidance of the Veterinary Licensing Board in this matter.�

As a Humane Society, SAGA uses every opportunity to educate pet owners and inform them about responsible pet ownership. This, in fact, benefits the local private veterinary clinic as better informed pet owners are more likely to seek her services if they are financially able to.� SAGA always refers veterinary cases to the private clinic when clients can afford it and when no licensed vet is available.�

SAGA has, until very recently, been the only provider of veterinary services in San Pedro. This has been done in a variety of manners -either through full time veterinarians employed directly by the organization, or by a private veterinarian who has been paid by the Humane Society on a part time, visiting basis.�SAGA has tried many times to find a Belizean vet who would to move to San Pedro to work; this unfortunately has not happened as yet, though it would by far be our preference. SAGA will continue to seek such an opportunity.

Because SAGA operates as a not-for-profit organization, it has not had the resources to develop an expensive, high tech clinic, but has done a remarkable job saving many lives and preventing thousands of unwanted litters.� SAGA wishes to improve its facilities but can only do so if it is able to operate a veterinary clinic to support its important work in the community, collecting strays, responding to public health and nuisance complaints, dealing with dangerous dogs, offering rabies vaccinations and providing good care for unwanted, abandoned or lost animals.

SAGA is beloved by the community and by many who visit San Pedro and have seen first hand the remarkable job that they have done reducing the stray population and eliminating the need for the cruel and very unpopular method of poisoning to control strays.� This is why many veterinarians from abroad donate drugs and equipment to assist them in their much needed work.� These drugs allow SAGA to treat animals in their care as well as those who cannot afford private veterinary care.

The Veterinary Clinic at SAGA may be simple, but it is effective and is probably as good as many clinics around Belize.� SAGA would love to modernize and has just completed a purpose built isolation unit towards this goal.� SAGA has also received grant money for purchase of an anesthesia machine and other modern equipment, and would continue to seek more of the same if its attention were not distracted by this campaign of harassment.

SAGA has been visited by many vets in Belize and some have worked there.� None have complained about the quality of facilities.� SAGA does not offer a high level of pay for vets in their employ as compared to the First World (it is actually a rather competitive wage for San Pedro, we understand many professionals do not make as much per week as SAGA offers) - they cannot compete because they operate as a not-for-profit, but this also means that those attracted to the position are (usually) committed to animal welfare and the principles of a Humane Society and are not profit driven individuals.� This does not make them bad veterinarians, quite the contrary.� These are usually extraordinary people who care passionately for animals.� �If there is anyone who is suffering due to unfair competition it is the well established SAGA Humane Society Veterinary clinic, which has been operating for many years as a non profit, only interested in animal welfare.

Humane Societies and animal welfare organizations internationally operate their own subsidized veterinary clinics.� In fact, there are many non-profit organizations around the world that were established exclusively to provide low cost veterinary care to the poor.� They seem to operate in conjunction and cooperation with private practices with no problem at all and have good working relationships.� SAGA has made many attempts to try to cooperate with Dr. Droke and has been, unfortunately knocked back repeatedly with abusive and unpleasant emails.� Not to mention the fact that SAGA was forced to ask the police to tell Dr. Droke to stay away from SAGA Humane Society when she started to harass and intimidate the staff there with repeated phone calls and threats (on one occasion while standing in the front yard of SAGA's property, she yelled out to SAGA's Clinic Manager that she was going to take SAGA down and take her down).� SAGA can provide you with the email communications to support this should the Veterinary Licensing Board wish to see them.

We have also discovered since Dr. Droke's departure that she without permission obtained electronic copies of all of SAGA's client records, and has been utilitzing them to contact SAGA's clients directly to market her services. We know this because our clients have reported these phone calls to us and have also stated that when they visited her clinic, she has access to client history information that could only have been established at SAGA.

SAGA would suggest that Dr. Droke focus on promoting her veterinary clinic, running her business and competing fairly and not try to undermine and hinder a non-profit organization. We believe that this is a case of sour grapes as Dr. Droke left the employ of SAGA Humane Society on bad terms following her removal from the Humane Society Board.� We also believe that it is further fueled by her anger that our Clinic Manager did not accept her offer of employment at her private clinic but rather chose to remain with SAGA. She is clearly intent on closing down an organization that has been serving Belizeans for many years and hopes to continue to do so.�

If Dr. Droke succeeds in her mission to close down SAGA Humane Society Veterinary Clinic, it will be a great disservice to all of the locals who depend on it for animal care and who have shown their support towards it over the years.� SAGA also does not believe in unfair competition and this is exactly what Dr. Droke is doing with this constant harassment. Belizeans deserve choice and they deserve cover when the private veterinary clinic is not open.

Respectfully Yours,
Saga Humane Society
Board of Directors