like2lean, did you read the news article in San Pedro Sun? Are you aware that before the keystone cops let him get away from them, one cop bonked the bad guy on the head pretty severely? Yes, there is some potential that a dependency problem may have contributed to heart failure, etc., but my reading of the article led me to believe that the doctor thought it was a physical injury related to the bonk on the head or his fall (or both). And hopefully, some info like that will come out later, so as to take some of the heat off of the keystone cops. Be that as it may, the police are not well trained enough, not disciplined enough and probably not even paid enough to desire to become those things.

I've got no problem with the police removing bad elements, as is and should be their duty. My problem is with the police going beyond their duty. Again, robbery or even robbery with assault, does not a death penalty make. We're fortunate no one else was killed or wounded in the cops wild abandon shooting, after they let a perp ESCAPE. Ya, again, feeling much safer . . . not.

A fish and a bird can fall in love, but where will they build their nest?