I agree with you Jeff, both my brothers are Police officers in the UK, one a lifer almost 30 years the other 10 years and they are astounded that an island so small cannot handle the crime (based on their training of course)and I agree again with you that San pedro is in serious trouble if they do not act and act quick.

This past 2 weeks there have been double robberies on the beach by this dead guy, plus 2 Burglaries, of local business's, plus a boat stolen, not mention Mr Ayuso an old age pensioner being assaulted and robbed in broad daylight.

If this is not enough to wake people up to the increasing problems what is ??

The press is quick to jump to the defense of a criminal that committed 2 violent robbery crimes in the same amount of days, yet they make him out to be the victim of the police, GIVE ME A BREAK these are BAD guys, and if he was not committing crimes he could be having a quiet beer at a local bar tonight, but the reality is he is a CAREER criminal that should of been in jail but instead he was a criminal that paid for his crimes with his life.

I cannot feel any remorse for him when I am sure if push came to shove it might be a post about a tourist or local that had passed away.

I really hope the island can tackle this and Danny should have crime at the top of his agenda and a TOP PRIORITY.

Gaz Cooper

Last edited by Gaz Cooper; 04/28/12 10:52 AM.