Cops launch 2 investigations into Boco T's death

Kevin "Boco T" Kelly


As previously reported in Thursday's newscast, a criminal investigation is being conducted by the Belize Police Department to determine whether Kevin 'Boco T' Kelly, who died while in custody at the San Pedro Police Station, was indeed murdered. Kelly was initially detained on the night of April twenty-sixth following a robbery on the island a few hours earlier. While in detention, the thirty-eight year old Belize City resident somehow managed to escape but was recaptured moments later. Upon his capture, according to Assistant Superintendent Vienni Robinson, Boco T lost consciousness twice before being discovered motionless inside the holding cell. While his death was initially believed to be of natural causes, an autopsy conducted by Doctor Mario Estradabran indicated that he died of internal bleeding caused by a blunt object. A second autopsy, conducted by Doctor Hugh Sanchez, confirmed the initial findings substantiating the family's belief that Boco T was killed by police. Inspector Fitzroy Yearwood told the media this morning that a second investigation, in the form of an internal inquiry, is also being conducted.


Inspector Fitzroy Yearwood

"I think I sent out a release yesterday where I indicated that officers have been placed on interdiction. This is pending the outcome of the investigation."


Rowland Parks

Fitzroy Yearwood

"Can you say how many officers have been placed on interdiction?"


Inspector Fitzroy Yearwood

"So far three; I can say it is three of them. I hope to release the name probably before news time to you, but the reason why we have a criminal and the internal investigation running simultaneously and in the event any charges should be brought up against them, we might have to do identification parade because we are recording statements from witnesses and so on. And we wouldn't want to have the identity out there before this process takes its course. In all fairness to the family of the deceased we are investigating this matter very seriously."

Channel 5