I looked on the Belize Police website and these are the requirements to apply as a Law Enforcement officer

Qualifications: Applicant must be a Belizean National, of good character with sound educational background.

(a) Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration; or
(b) Bachelor's Degree in Public Administration; or
(c) Bachelor's Degree in Management Studies; or
(d) Bachelor's Degree in Criminal Studies.

Age Limit: 21 to 30 Years

Physcial Requirements: Height - Minimum of 5'4"
Good Eyesight
To be otherwise physically fit
A strong sense of loyalty dedication to duty

Salary Scale:
NPS 8 - $19,404 x 840 - 22,764 E.B. 23,604 x 840 - 26,964

My experience in Belize was conducting a 6 month training session for the Military and Law Enforcement for your nation, Belize Special Activities Group(BSAG). I found BSAG to be better than most places I had been. They were motivated and professional, although we did weed out the weak.
The street police I found to be typical of most places I have been. Corruption was imbedded into the system, like the US Congress, and they lacked proper training. The initial training was adequate but the continuing training Belize needs to work on, such as weapons training, ethics and morale, and law.
I will say this; in all my travels I did see a small area in a country that was seriously corrupt have little to no corruption. Reason was that they hired their own local law enforcement, educated them on law, paid a little less than other police (not much). The key to all of this was the amount of respect that the community showed towards their officers. It was amazing, a police officer would walk around and everyone was respectful. They were constantly out on foot, they were always checking on local folks. Kids were respectful and some even made reference to being an officer. When I spoke to the officers they said that because the community supported them they felt obligated to support the community.
There was even a case where the locals came to the defense of one of the officers, another where the officers were involved in a fire fight and the entire male community came and fought beside them.
The reason this occured is because we hired LOCAL men from the community, we held the community leaders responsible for their actions, and we provided them proper training.
You guys are correct in that when you hire a law enforcement officer from PG and move them to SP then they could care less. It is expensive for that person to live there and they do not know anyone. Petition the Government to hire and retain local law enforcement, later as they develop in their carreer they can opt to move to another location.
Sorry about the rant just thought I would put in my 10cents worth.

John deVerteuil