Family wants answers about Boco T's death

Kevin 'Boco T' Kelly

The death of Kevin 'Boco T' Kelly is not only causing grief for his family, it is also stirring up ill will towards the system, which it feels is preventing them from burying their loved one. Boco T was the second person to drop dead within two months at the San Pedro Police Formation. Though no mention was made of any injuries other than a scratch; his common law wife, his mother and aunt all came to our studios to claim that his body was bruised.

Lorna Wade, Common Law Wife of Kevin 'Boco T' Kelly

Lorna Wade

"This morning me and Kevin's mother and aunt went to the morgue. And when we reach dah the morgue, the man tell we that we can't do nothing to the body and we can't see the body because it is a police case and the police from San Pedro have to give the ok. So right now, Kevin dead from Thursday and we wah bury ahn but we can't get the chance to bury him because they noh do the autopsy yet. As weh I say, they just bring him from San Pedro, put him in morgue like wa piece ah dutty meat, they noh contact his mother, they noh contact me and he does live with me. How we get fi know that Kevin deh dah the morgue is through somebody weh come and tell we oh dehn done bring ahn dah the morgue. No police noh contacted us any at all."

Jose Sanchez

"People out there on the island are saying that he was even beaten. Were you able to see his body to verify if he had bruises?"

Joan Kelly

Joan Kelly, Mother of Kevin 'Boco T' Kelly

"Yes because when they said that a body come in at the morgue, police did not notify us or anything, but we went to the morgue and we took a look at him and he had bruise over his head, bruise deh all pan ih shoulders and ih neck deh pan sideway."

Jose Sanchez

"Is there anything that you can do at this point? Do you plan to get your own doctor to do an autopsy? Is there anything that the family intends to do since there does seems to be suspicion about the circumstances of his death?"

Maylene Kelly, Aunt of Kevin 'Boco T' Kelly

Maylene Kelly

"I'm the aunt, but right now we are trying to do the best that we can do for him because Kevin has family. At least they could have come and contact fi we family because we don't know nothing. They just bring him at put him in morgue. We want to know what happened and what caused his death. He wasn't a sick person. The news put that he had a seizure. He never troubled with seizures. He wasn't a sickly person. We want some answers. That is what we want. We want them to come forth and give we some answers and make we try put fi we family to rest. Kevin has a family, he has a daughter, he has grandchildren and we don't like what is happening. Nobody contacted us; look how long-from Thursday. He not a piece of dead dog; he has family. And we noh like the situation weh happen; nobody come to us. And then when we go there nobody can't do anything because they say it's a police case. So we are still waiting and the family is devastated."

Lorna Wade

"And tomorrow will be a holiday. So we can't do nothing. So we mi di plan fi bury ahn on Wednesday, but we have to postpone until further notice because we can't do nothing because up to yet we noh get no answers from the police."

After leaving our studios, the women went to seek an audience with an attorney.

Channel 5