Originally Posted by KC Jayhawk
I was back in Lawrence (sans girlfriend) in 8 months, in time to get a job, move in with some buddies and burn our rental house down for Xmas (but that's another story).

Ruthie - we now know the secret to Kansas City BBQ - Arson!

Originally Posted by Otteralum
klc -- been 20, done that. It would be wonderful however to be a newlywed with Mrs. O. and move to Belize -- rock! Now quit stirring the pot old man wink

Hey KLC - don't we have "those pictures" that we took that afternoon at Cauker? He isn't talking smack is he?

Originally Posted by *I Do* Belize Weddings
Originally Posted by jesse
C'mon..he's 20...nothing is permanent. what has he got to lose?

100% true and you can always pack up and go back if it isn't for you. Not a big deal to move.

Keli and TQ - you are older than this kid by 4 years and you are offering him advice? heart heart

Originally Posted by jamflowman420
now this guy(collyk) knows what im talking about. thanks bro

Jam - Please ignore Colly she wants me to bring her a pony in June

If you want CBT's advice (and it is free but you may have to buy me a drink one day) - Do your homework, visit as often as you can, meet the people, and then meet the people, and then meet the people (no my keyboard isn't stuck) and then give it a try, if you give respect then you will recieve it. You have me by 19 years, a great wife, a morgage, a crappy drinking cooking team, 2 dogs (one who is older than you) and a nephew that I adore but it is our goal to be there too. Godspeed as the beauty of San Pedro (or any other vacation destination) is that it will weed out those who are there for "spring break" and those who want to live and contribute.

Whoa - who took over CBT's keyboard tonight?

But why eat my vegetables I already know that I am short!