Bing Crosby! what in the world has twisted you so against this young man?

You took a quote out of context and completely screwed the message to your reply.

Here is the exact quote in it's proper form and meaning.

"i greatly appreciate those who have given actual advice and helped me gain a perspective of what to expect. i hope to meet up with some of you eventually and show you in person what kind of guy i am. honestly i cant wait to prove the "critics" on here wrong."

Where that, in any way, constitutes a threat, I'm sorry ! I can't see it.

What skin off your nose, or money out of your pocket does his coming to Belize threaten you with? He is simply asking for advice, in a life change he intends to make, from people who may be able to help him make the transition.

If he makes a go of it and does as he says he will. then great, another good citizen in a beautiful country. If he fails , I doubt if he is going to ask you for money to go home.

Never Use money to measure wealth