Originally Posted by Phil
There was another young dude who recently hit the boards with a similar deluge of questions and got a ton of flack. Are we trying to scare these people off?

My guess is you're referring to A C, the internet guru from Ohio. He sought advice and got it. He disappeared from the board as quickly as he arrived. Maybe he's made his move to SP.

When somebody asks for guidance, I assume they want an honest opinion. We all come from different backgrounds and upbringings. Some of us are liberals and some are conservatives, some capitalists and some socialists. Some seek responsibility and others run from it. Some are realists and some are dreamers. Some plan for the future and some live day-to-day. Some are self-sustaining, while others are comfortable being supported by others. One thing we all have in common is that we all want to be happy. Do what makes you happy, so long as others don't suffer by your actions and decisions.

Moose Keep an open mind and something good may fall in.