What a circus of amusement to read all of this! Yes, it is SO funny to have 20 pages of this, all stemming from a simple question.

JFM420: when I was 23, I worked and saved everything all summer, bought a plane ticket taking me around the world, with areas to cover myself on land, with about $500 in my pocket. My life would not be the same AT ALL had I not done this - my eyes were opened to all the diversity and beauty of the differences and similarities of those leading very different lives, as opposed to "wasteful Westerners" (not all you of you of course!) in this world. DO IT!! I traveled through

I really don't want to get into cutting others down, but WOW, "Bing" sure seems like a jealous loser who has nothing better to do than write negative posts. One who hides behind a dead celebrity's name and even lists "crooner" as his profession is telling. People who go ON and ON and ON with cutting others down are only trying to subdue their own unhhappiness. Normally, I feel bad for those like this, (we all have bad times), but again, WOW, "Bing" is beyond help in the happy dept.

I've been to SP only twice, but have not met anyone who didn't seem happy and appreciative of the life they lead on the island or their chosen vacation destination. Why all the hate from a few of you? Because you are sitting at your keyboard unhappy with life!!!

My last comment will only be about the 420 - and we all know what we are talking about - remember prohibition in the 30's? Well, no one is cutting down all the alcohol consumption on the island. OK - someone comes up with a screen name with 420 - "Bing", we could be all over you for your name which you hide under. Don't bother to send a nasty retort - you will only look like more of a hater.

To all those young enough not to have ties, do it NOW - with the right attitude, almost anything is possible! I wish you all the luck in the world JamFlowMan!!!! Your life will be richer, even if it doesn't pan out! You should really visit first though...

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"