Originally Posted by Bill Mc Ghee
JFM420. Do what your heart and mind tells you is right for you. Listen to your inner voice, and not those who did not/can not do tell you otherwise.
Like Reaper said. " Go have a great time".

If you see Belize as your place to be in your life. then GO for it. You only get one shot at life. Don't let someone else tell you how to live it.

Amen to that. At 20 I was "wasting my life" running sound for a rock band. I didn't make much money but I had incredible experiences that I wouldn't trade for all the "financial security" in the world. I eventually met a girl and was forced to "settle down" and get a "real job". When she left and the economy collapsed I moved to Denver and got a job running sound for a local AV company. 20 years later I'm still doing what I love and the skills I learned way back in my 20s have taken me all over the world.

The point here is that if I'd have been like most of my classmates and joined the corporate world right out of school, I'd most likely have spent the last 30 years in a job I either hate or just tolerate for the paycheck. I'd be in debt up to my eyeballs and I'd never met any of my current friends.

20/420 follow Bill's advice. Get out into the world while you're young. See it all, do it all and most importantly, listen and learn. One other thing is pay your own way. It builds character and self-esteem and people respect you for it. Mostly though have as much fun as you can while you can!

God Bless The Reef!