My first trip to Belize was in the early 90's for diving one spring break in college. After graduation I went back, and survived on my graudation money and what little I had saved for around 9 months. Never got a job, dove a lot and had a great time, I returned home when I had just enough money for a plane ticket, departure tax and cab fare. I learned a lot in those nine months, and developed a love for the locale that persists to this day. I stayed away from drugs, probably added a wing on to Sir Bowens house (and took a couple years off the ole liver) and just enjoyed the simplicity of life that the country had to offer.

Today, I have the typical life of mortgage, kids, two dogs and a cat type deal. To this day, I can think back on the time I spent bumming around the country and a smile comes to my face every time. The difference for me between if I had stayed or not probably would have been rather substantial in terms of lifestyle, nor would I have ever met my wife had two great kids etc. Like many on this board, we return several times a year and plan on one day hanging out an address board for a while down their. That time though I will be able to pretty much do whatever I darn well please, because I will be living on more than $20 a day.

If I was that age again, I would do it all over in a heartbeat. Here is my advice, you can take it or leave it.

It sounds like you already have a place to crash and maybe make a little walking around money so you will be all right.

1. Save enough money to get home should you ever decide it is no longer paradise

2. Volunteer: Although I did not have a "job", I did contribute to the community. I volunteered at the local schools, doing general maintenance and occassionally giving the kids impromptu chemistry lessons about the world around them. I also helped at the hospital setting up some analytical instruments, and training people how to maintain them. (I have a degree in chemistry) Volunteering opened more doors for me in that country than anything else, I was graciously invited into many homes and given some truly wonderful meals as a result.`

3. Travel: The islands are great, but their is so much more to the country that you should see than just the beach, get on a bus or van and head away from the coast. Maybe if you have a chance you could get over to Guatemala and see Tikal or some of the ruins around San Ignacio

4. Respect: This really should be neck and neck with the first rule..... I am not saying that you are, but if you are.... A self pretentious uptight person, you should really leave that back in North America. Treat the locals with real respect and be sure to respect the Belizean culture/way of life. You need to conform to the lifestyle, not expect the lifestyle to conform to what you may be used to now.

5. Become as close to a local as you can: If you happen to be in a cart and kids are going to school give them a lift if you can, even if it is just part of the way. Don't be a tourist, eat where the locals go, maybe head to church if you so desire, pitch in at a fundraiser etc....

In the end you may leave with nothing more than the shirt on your back, but your memory could very well be over capacity

okay, now I must apologize to whomever I just jerjked the soapbox out from under, umm here you can have it back now.....