Originally Posted by reaper
Hey skippy. When someone like Tim says "We don't like people that take Belizean jobs", I see the irony in that. I know Tim and his wife Tina. Nice folks. They aren't Belizeans, yet work in Belize.
I just wanted to know the "we" and what is a "Belizean job"?

And skippy, don't worry about what I get or don't get about Belize.
"We" is the community."Belizean Job"" example If a person were to enter the united States illegally and work they would be taking a "American Job". Folks you all are reasonable and are good people by human nature,this place attracts this kind of extraordinary people.
Prominent business owners that employ a large number of jobs on island are sick over the lay offs .These are people with mortgages ,kids ,Hospital bills, etc.
3 weeks ago I got a heart wrenching e-mail from a wonderful hard working Family begging for a job for her husband that was laid off.He has carpentry skills and plumbing,over all recommended general maintenance.Their baby was born premature and are incurring a large medical bills that they can't pay.We have searched high and low for a job ,maybe someone on this board can help.Please P.M. Me, if you can help or e-mail is better.
Belize is a free country and everyone should have a chance to enjoy this jewel.Taco girl and Boy are the perfect example because their life is fortunately pretty much public.They followed the immigration policy (LAW), and elected to volunteer and raise Money for Holy Cross School during their waiting period.They both worked hard for our community and made a huge difference to many children. The Taco's continue to support numerous charities,while working now legally.
Most people on the other side are not privy to this information.You are more than welcome Jam, please respect the laws and the culture and you will do all right.