Keep in mInd Go-Yoga has a great classes designed for the sport of Fly fishing

Remember we travel to you and with you, so let us know if you would like to schedule a special class during your guests tip.

Ever experience lower back pain during or after fishing? At times on the water you will get locked into a productive hole for an extended bit of time. Shoulders getting tight from holding too long, waiting in anticipation. Sometimes you find yourself standing on an uneven bed of shallow water just a little off balance, or simply planted in one spot. Your lower back will tend to get stiff in those situations. Practicing just a couple of poses such as bridge, for example, or cat cow- will help you stretch out your lower back before going to the flats. Just a handful of positions can help improve your balance. You might not be ready for the dancer or crow but you definitely can do some poses that will help you keep your feet on the ground: the seemingly simple tree pose is common and a good place to start. If that doesn't get you going we can move to a more challenging balance pose such as warrior III that you will find yourself naturally doing chasing a catch. You soon realise you've been doing yoga all along and you never even knew it. You came here to fish. Make the most of it by incorporating a little yoga every day into the experience and you will leave your vacation feeling refreshed and rejuvenated and very excited to return.

[email protected]

Noele McLain
Go Yoga, travelling to you and with you.
501 670 6008