Weeks of April 24th - April 30th

Weather Conditions: A beautiful start to the week ending with strong winds.

Winds: 10-15 winds earlier in the week ending with strong winds.

Air Temperature: 87 to 90 degrees with lows in the mid to high 70's.

Water Temperature: Temp: 84 F. degrees

Sunrise: 5:27 am Sunset: 6:13 pm

Moonphase: Last Quarter.


BONEFISH (Macabi): Light winds at the beginning of the week with strong winds ending the week. The fish are always hungry ahead of a storm and this week was not different. All the fish were eating including the tarpon and permit. Most of our guests landed bonefish with some of them bringing large bones to the boat.

PERMIT (Palometta): The Permit were also very receptive and eating heavily until the high winds forced them into deep water. Many of our lucky anglers managed to hook into them earlier in the week; but they are always playing hard to get. Sarah from Montana got it done and so did Sue, Jim, Zeb, Michelle, Diane and Peter. Great work!

TARPON (Sabalo): Twelve tarpon landed this week with several over seventy pounds. Persistence pays off when it comes to tarpon fishing. Lots and lots of shots over the last month with minimal eats until this week. It won't be long until the big boys of summer show up. Get your big gear ready and join us for the one hundred + pounders coming into our waters soon.

OTHER SPECIES: Jacks, barracuda, snapper, ladyfish, squirrelfish and a host of others our fly and spin fishing anglers found.

GRAND SLAM: Three grand slams this week!


FOR BONEFISH - Always Christmas Island Specials, Mantis shrimp in tan, and Gotchas

FOR PERMIT - Peterson Shrimp and Crabs worked well.

FOR TARPON - White Toads , White Bunnies, and Black Death worked well.

This Week's Summary:

Awesome week getting to know all of our new friends. Always a pleasure hanging out with great people in such a beautiful place. Life's good!

Fish On!
Ken [email protected].