The July 27th, 2014 issue of The STAR (Cayo) is online HERE

This Week's Stories:

  • Pech Walks Free:
    This murder case did not even make it to the Supreme Court as it was dismissed right at the magistrate court level in San Ignacio Town. The murder charge against Geovanni Pech, 24, at the time of the October 11, 2013 death of his cousin Leroy Moises Tzib, was today dismissed by magistrate Narda Morgan when the police could not produce a case file. The accused walked free out of the San Ignacio Town courtroom after spending almost 10 months in jail. Prior to dismissing the capital charge magistrate Morgan noted that the instruction from the office of the Director Of Public Prosecutions was for the civilian prosecutor not to interfere in the case and for it to be left to the police to prosecute as it is alleged that, in keeping with established protocols prior to the institution of a capital charge, the police did not consult with the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions. The file has since been held in limbo. The charge was consequently dismissed "due to lack of cooperation between the police and DPP", as noted by the presiding magistrate.
  • Miss Manchie Laid To Rest:
    It is with profound sadness that we record last week's passing of a pioneer resident of Santa Elena, Miss Manchie Jones. A faithful serving member of the Catholic Church, Ms. Manchie is pre-deceased by her husband, Wilward "Willie" Jones and a son Randy Jones. She is survived by daughters; Florence, Priscilla, Sonia, Laura, Catherine and Geraldine. She is also survived by sons; Wilward Jr., Joshua and David Jones.
  • Editorial: Flogging A Dead Horse:
    The case against UDP Cayo Northeast Area Representative Elvin Penner was one that even the layman on the street referred to as "flogging a dead horse" notwithstanding, the exception opposition lawyer continued flogging it thereby ending up with egg all over his face. It was the singular flogging horse in the opposition arsenal. Mark our words, with nothing else to flog, the sole opposition lawyer/opposition Caribbean Shores Area Representative aspirant, will appeal the magistrate's decision as he continues foolishly flogging a now legally confirmed dead horse as they sit in their individual corners hoping and praying for something else to flog. This opportunity, it seems, will never come their way as Prime Minister Dean Barrow continues to steer his administration in the right direction.
  • Movie Nights At The Cayo Welcome Center:
    The new Welcome Center in San Ignacio is fulfilling its intended purpose. It is bringing back the community to an area where we can socialized with family and friends. It is also providing the place and the means for us to meet new friends. The bambu tee, in conjunction with D Catch , Masabaduga, Yoli's Pizza (all business owners operating in the Welcome Center) are working in partnership with the Center's Committee in organizing social activities. The first such activity is Movie Night held on Wednesdays and Sundays. Residence of the twin towns and visitor alike are gathering at the Welcome Center on Movie Nights to watch the Movie garnering the most votes by customers visiting bambu tee, during the daytime hours. We encourage families to bring out the children and friends for Movie Nights at the Welcome Center. Movie starts at 7:00 pm. Our Welcome Center was built for us to use and enjoyment Let us come out and socialize in Peace, Love and Harmony.
  • IDB President Meets With Belize's Prime Minister:
    Inter-American Development Bank President Luis Alberto Moreno met today with Belize Prime Minister, Dean Barrow, to exchange information and provide an overview of the IDB's activities in the country. President Moreno and Prime Minister Barrow also discussed the current IDB portfolio as well as future projects for Belize. The current IDB Country Strategy with Belize for the period 2013-2017 has four priority areas: education; tourism; transport; and trade and tax policy. This year the IDB and the Belize Government are preparing two new loans in the education and transport sectors for a total of US$30 million. The "Education Quality Improvement Program" was approved by the IDB on June 12 for a total of US$10 million. This program seeks to improve the quality of primary education and the governance of Belize's education system by training teachers so they can adopt innovative and best practices; developing and implementing an Education Management Information System; and improving the profile of teacher candidates.
  • Gingivitis:
    Gingivitis ("inflammation of the gum tissue") is a non-destructive periodontal disease The etiology, or cause, of plaque-induced gingivitis is bacterial plaque, which acts to initiate the body's host response. This, in turn, can lead to destruction of the gingival tissues, which may progress to destruction of the periodontal attachment apparatus. The plaque accumulates in the small gaps between teeth, in the gingival grooves and in areas known as plaque traps: locations that serve to accumulate and maintain plaque. Examples of plaque traps include bulky and overhanging restorative margins, claps of removable partial dentures and calculus (tartar) that forms on teeth. Although these accumulations may be tiny, the bacteria in them produce chemicals, such as degrative enzymes, and toxins, such as lipopolysaccharide (LPS, otherwise known as endotoxin) or lipoteichoic acid (LTA), that promote an inflammatory response in the gum tissue. This inflammation can cause an enlargement of the gingiva and subsequent formation. Early plaque in health consists of a relatively simple bacterial community dominated by Gram-positive cocci and rods.
  • Rugby Sevens - First Rugby In Belize:
    Preparations are being made for the first rugby clubs to be established in Belize, focusing on the hugely popular and fast growing Sevens game, which will make its debut in the 2016 Rio De Janeiro Olympic Games. Rugby Sevens is a variant of the traditional rugby union game in a number of ways, chiefly: � Seven players on the field only (2 Props, Hooker, Scrum half, Fly-half, Centre & Winger) � Seven minute halves, instead of forty minutes, with one minute half-time � All conversions are drop-kicked, not place-kicked � Only three players in the scrum instead of eight
  • STAR Humor
  • Your Weekly Horoscope and Lucky Numbers
  • Letters to the Editor
  • Public Notices