Dear Sirs,

As I reach middle age, I am convinced that toilets are being designed by men or women much younger than I.

At the age of 25 I could drink a case of beer and pass out for 12 hours, while at age 55 a cup of coffee after 6pm will guarantee me not only my usual 3 am bathroom stop, but also a 1am visit.

My wife wants the seat down at all times to stop the dog drinking from the toilet, and also does not want to be awakened by the light coming on, so the result is that i stumble around in the dark before sitting down.

I sit because my aim even in daylight is not what it used to be, and in the dark it is particularly ineffective.

Now comes the problem with your design:

1) my knees have suffered through years of skiing and rugby, and my weight has long since passed through any region that the surgeon general would consider ideal, so when they (my knees) are disturbed from a deep sleep by their buddy the aging prostrate, they fail to function optimally, and have trouble supporting my body weight as they pass through 90 degrees.

As I crash land with all the grace of a gooney bird, this leads to problem #2

2) like most parts of the human body as it ages, my scrotum sags more each year, and always seems to extend about a half inch below the waterline of the toilet, which in turn means I wake my wife most nights with the expletive ***$$%%^* Kohler!

I and I'm sure many others in future would be thrilled if you would consider the aging population of the country, and that we are now on average almost 6" taller than a century ago, and build a toilet that was 24" of the ground, while keeping the water level where it currently is in the 21" models

I would then not have to write to you until another 2 3/8" of sagging occurs.

yours sincerley


It's rarely rocket science, it's usually just math: then again if you can't do the math.......